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Advisory Commission on International Relationships

Our greatest events in 2008
- Japanese Garden
His Worship, Mayor Bob Tarleck attended the opening ceremony of the Japanese Garden at the
Edmonton Legislature Building on October 8, 2008. The large gathering of celebrants
included Officials from the Japanese Embassy in Ottawa, the Consul General for Japan from Calgary,
MLA's and other dignitaries. A delegation of five representatives from the Lethbridge Twinning
Society were invited. Carol Kensley, Jeanne Gossens, Warren Pereverseff,
Michael Bennett and Harold Pereverseff.
I as well represented the Alberta/Japan Twinned Municipalities Association (A/JTMA) as president,
Edie Yuill from Barrhead and Ian Duncan from Hinton both directors of (A/JTMA) were in
attendance as well.
Please see this Edmonton Journal Story for further details.
- Volunteer fair
On September 17, 2008 the University of Lethbridge hosted their very first
"volunteer fair". There were 35 volunteer organizations from within the
Lethbridge area that participated. The Lethbridge Twinning Society was
called upon to join in as well! Members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society
manned a booth where we were able to speak with interested individuals
throughout the day. Society members handed out literature and explained our
role in the community and the principles of our organization. The reports
were that the event was very successful and we have been advised that the
UofL will host the volunteer fare again next year! We will be there.
- passed out literature
- explained our organization
- invited participation in our Society
- spoke to 82 separate individuals through the course of the day
- Fund raiser at Winner's Bingo
September 05, 2008. Lethbridge Twinning Society Members were at it again with
another fund raiser at Winner's Bingo. Diane and Karl were selling "Ball's
Tickets" and patrons would hold up a pink "Ball's" flag requesting the
tickets........ Well, there was so much pink, that both Diane and Karl began
seeing Red! Our newest member, Patrick came out for his first fund raising
event and fit right in with the rest of us. Welcome aboard Patrick!
- Bar-B-Que at Save on Foods
August 30, 2008 we held a fund raiser Bar B Que at Save on Foods. The
proceeds from this Bar B Que have been designated toward the Alberta/Japan
Twin Municipalities Association (A/JTMA).
The Lethbridge Twinning Society has been an active member in the A/JTMA for five years and this was our
first opportunity for fund raising for the A/JTMA. The weather cooperated
and we had an excellent turn out of member volunteers, and support from the
Community made the Bar B Que an overall success. We appreciate and thank
Save on Foods our sponsor for allowing us to hold the Bar B Que.
- "Everyone loves a parade!"
On August 18th members assisted in the decoration of the vehicle in
preparation for the parade on August 19th. August the 19th was the "Whoop
Up Days" parade. The weather was windy and hot, but not as hot as the
record breaking +37 Celsius temperature the day before.
The parade was excellent, our entry was just behind the Canadian Military
soldiers and vehicles and in front of the "Amnesty International"
float! Go figure........ First of all we send in the troops, then we come in and twin
with the country and later Amnesty International comes in to ensure
everything is going according to hoyle! (Not really but it was a strange
coincidence in placing of the exhibits in the parade!) As usual, after the
parade, members gathered for a lunch meal and celebrated the success of
Whoop Up Days Parade, 2008)
- US trip "Wind-up" Bar-B-Que
On August 10, 2008 a "Wind-up" Bar-B-Que was held at the home of Harold and Cheryl.
The Bar B Que was a time to reminisce and to critique the trip.
The "critiques" were all positive. In fact the Bar-B-Que was the result of excess funds left over that we had risen for the trip by the participants, but never got spent! (We owe this to the excellent rate of exchange we received on our Canadian Dollar which was pretty well par)
The resounding comments of all our delegates were that they certainly were impacted by the hospitality and friendship of our hosts in Culver City. The stops we made along the way, in particular in Rice Ville, Washington; San Francisco and San Diego, California; Las Vegas, Nevada and in Great Falls, Montana were all held in fond memories.
We not only survived the 14 days en route together, but we had may opportunities to share with one another and to extend the warm hand of fellowship that Twinning Relations are all about.
We all look forward to our next exchange visit!
- Baby shower for Marisa
August 8th, 2008. The Society members support one another always!
This was so true when Lucy, Jeanine and Carol hosted a baby shower for Marisa and her new
daughter, Keira! Lucy Hosted the evening at her home and many members joined in for a fun evening.
Marisa and Keira are very thankful for their Society friends.
- Karl and Charlotte Wedding
August 2nd, 2008. We congratulated Karl and Charlotte on their wedding!
Members of the society were invited to the beautiful out door - home setting
wedding celebration. Joseph did the wedding photos, Quinn and Lara set up
and ran sound other members just enjoyed themselves! The setting and weather
added to the ambiance of the wedding long to be remembered as Karl and
Charlotte's special day!
- Culver City trip - 2008
Read some impressions of Lethbridge Twinning Society
trip to Culver City (CC) June 29 - July 12, 2008
- Bar-B-Que!
In early June, we held a "get to know one another" Bar B Que over at Bob
Hironaka's home.
The purpose of the gathering was for our delegation traveling to Culver City
to become better acquainted with one another. And of course to enjoy some
tastey food! We exchanged ideas about our itinerary and about places we
wanted to visit along the way. Right from the beginning we were a team and
it was obvious that we were all going to have a fantastic time!
- 5th Annual Outdoor Art Gala, Great Falls
On June 20, 2008 we participated at an event in Great Falls, the 5th Annual
Outdoor Art Gala. On invitation from Vandy Damany, a member of the Great Falls Advisory
Commission on International Relationships, we attended the very well
organized and highly successful event.
The pictures depict some of the action at the gala. The artists were very
approachable and it was Intriguing to see them work on their pieces.
At the conclusion, their work was auctioned off for a fund raising towards the Lewis and Clark
Interpretive Centre Foundation.
Since this is an annual event, and a great opportunity of meeting residents
of Great Falls, we intend on participating again next year! Please plan to
join us!
On June 1st we were out in full force for a "Bingo Fundraiser". Our member
volunteers are faithful supporters of the Society. When we work together on
these fund raising events we have the opportunity of getting to know one
another better and appreciate working towards our Society projects and goals
that have been very successful over the years. A big salute goes out to the
Faithful volunteers of the Lethbridge Twinning Society!
- Bar-B-Que!
On May 31, 2008 members rallied to participate in a Bar B Que fund raiser.
This fund raiser was to cover incidental expenses for our "Culver City
Express - Educational Tour".
With the support of Save on Foods, our volunteers sold $298.82 worth of hot dogs and pop!
A very impressive and successful fundraiser........particularly since there was another hot dog
sale that day, just down the way at Zellers! Thank you to the
volunteers....YOU make it happen!
- Shirley DeBow receives "Honorius Causa" degree
May 30, 2008: During this years spring convocation, our dear friend, Shirley DeBow was
honoured at the University of Lethbridge when she received her Doctor of
Laws, "Honorius Causa" degree. Shirley and her husband Gerry and their
family are charter members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society
and are the example of true and faithful supporters!
Dr. Shirley Debow and University of Lethbridge President,
Mr. Bill Cade.
Shirley! Way to go girl, you deserve this prestigious
- Reception at the Calgary Chamber of Commerce building
May 28th, 2008, we accepted the invitation from the Consul General of Japan,
Mr. Yasuo Minemura to join him at a reception at the Calgary Chamber of
Commerce building. We attended and had a wonderful time getting acquainted
with Consul General Minemura and his wife.
The reception was well attended and we heard an address from Consul General Minemura
as well as from former Premier of Alberta, Mr. Peter Loughheed.
It was particularly interesting to
hear Mr. Loughheed speak of his participation in the very first "Alberta -
Japan" twinning relationship which he was very much a part of.
- Our newest member - Keira Boles
May 23, 2008: Our newest member of the Twinning Society!
There is one sure way of growing our membership and that is by having our members' birth
We welcome Keira, born to Greg and Marisa Boles on May23, 2008.
Charter Member, Betty Reimer gives her nod of approval to our
new member, Keira!
Mom, Marisa Boles, introduces Keira to Betty Reimer.
- Visit of Mr. Yasuo Minemura
On May 14, 2008 The Honourable Ron Stevens M.L.A. (Deputy Premier and
Minister of International and Intergovernmental Relations) extended the
invitation to come to Edmonton for a reception and luncheon on the occasion
of the official visit of Mr. Yasuo Minemura, Consul General Designate of
Japan. It was an honour to attend this reception.
Consul General Minemura exchanged greetings with the Hon. Ron
President Harold and Warren "Made it to the Legislature (the Leg)"
- Ice Breaker Road Race
In April 27, 2008 Great Falls, Montana hosted 29th Annual Ice Breaker Road Race.
This year was another fantastic opportunity of extending the hand of friendship to the folks
in Great Falls, Montana! The Ice Breaker Road Race was extremely well organized, and I believe that there were well
over 3,000 participants in the event this year! Once again our friends from the Great Falls
Advisory Commission on International Relationships met us and we spent the day together!
The weather was fantastic and truly, the Ice got "broken".
We had the personal opportunity of meeting Wilbert Graf (see story as it appeared in the
Great Falls Tribune) as well as the pictures we were able to take with this incredible man!
We were also surprised to hear from Wilbert that he had come to Lethbridge and ran in our
"Moon Light Run"! He knew Lethbridge well, and was impressed that we had taken the time
to come down to Great Falls to participate in this event. "It is a small world after all!"
- Annual General Meeting
Our Annual General Meeting took place in April 25, 2008 in the Culver City Room, City Hall.
Please, click here to see the Election Results.