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Our greatest events in 2014
- Emperor's Birthday Reception
Calgary, Alberta - November 28, 2014
His Worship – Mayor Chris Spearman presents Consul General of Japan (Calgary) – Mr. Tamura with an "Ammonite Pendant".
Picture: L-R Consul-General Ryosaku Tamura; Harold Pereverseff; Cheryl Pereverseff; Yoko Tamura.
On November 28th - President of LTS - Harold Pereverseff and wife Cheryl
attended the occasion of the Celebration of the 81st birthday of the Emperor
of Japan. The celebration was held at the personal residence of the Consul
General Tamura. The weather was severe and travel to Calgary, particularly
from the north, was very difficult. As a result, unfortunately not all
invited guests were able to attend. Guests were treated to beautiful music
played on the Japanese Koto, speeches from Consul General Tamura and Hon.
Kyle Fawcett - Minister of Environment and Sustainable Resource Development
(Government of Alberta). This was followed by a wonderful dinner reception,
(prepared by the Consul General's personal Japanese chef, was freshly made
tempura, this was an excitingly delicious addition to the overall meal) and
an opportunity of tasting Japanese sake.
The evening extended the opportunity of sharing projects and activities of
the Lethbridge Twinning Society with some of the attendees and personally
with Consul General Tamura and the staff of the Japanese Consulate in
Calgary. We also learned of planned activities of the Office of the
Consulate of Japan in Calgary in particular the upcoming anniversary (2015)
of the Hokkaido/Alberta twinning relationship. It was a very enriching and
enjoyable evening.
We look forward to seeing the Consul General and his wife in Lethbridge on
January 17th, 2015 for the annual New Year's Celebration sponsored by the
Nikkei Cultural Society of Lethbridge & Area.
- 25th year of Culver City Sister City relationship anniversary
Culver City, CA - November 5th - 12th, 2014
Culver City Sister City Committee has invited us to join with them in celebrating the 25th year of our sister city relationship. A delegation visit has been planned for November 5th to November 12th. We are asking members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society to consider this trip and have as well extended the invitation to residents of Lethbridge who may wish to experience the "sister city" experience. Please hurry to reserve your spot in the delegation, we are considering delegates on a first come, first served basis.
We will be joined on this visit by Councillor, Ryan Parker and his wife.
Please see the below noted link for further information.
LTS Culver City 2014 Sister City Exchange Trip Brochure
- The Sister Cities International Annual Conference
San Jose, California - July 31st to August 02, 2014
The Sister Cities International Annual Conference was held on July 31st to August 02, 2014 in San Jose, California.
President of the Lethbridge Twinning Society, Harold Pereverseff attended. Lethbridge, Alberta and Thunder Bay, Ontario were the only two Canadian Cities represented at the conference this year.
Please see the link below for a report on the conference.
Sister Cities International Annual Conference 2014
- English as Second Language and Japanese as a Second Language symposium
Towada City, Japan - September 30, 2014
On September 30, 2014, Lethbridge Twinning Society (LTS) President Harold Pereverseff will be leading a delegation from Lethbridge to participate in a English as Second Language and Japanese as a Second Language, symposium in Towada City, Japan. The symposium is being hosted by the Towada Association for International Relations (T-AIR).
Our delegation has been graciously sponsored by T-AIR to attend the symposium. The symposium will not only serve the purpose of advising Japanese attendees of the opportunities of studying English as a Second Language in Lethbridge at our three facilities (The University of Lethbridge, the Lethbridge College or Flexibility Learning Systems) but will also be another step at bridging our two communities together through our sister city relationship.
The LTS delegation will participate in the symposium and related workshop in Towada City on October 4th and 5th. The delegation members consist of:
Harold Pereverseff – President, Lethbridge Twinning Society
Diane Minamide – Director for Towada City Relations, Lethbridge Twinning Society
Dr. Sepideh Masoodi – Programs Coordinator - Lethbridge College
Elma Guinto – Director – Flexibility Learning Systems
*Diane Minamide will be presenting on behalf of the University of Lethbridge and their ESL program and International Student Programs at the University of Lethbridge.
- "Kendama" toys fund raiser
August 30, 2014
The Lethbridge Twinning Society will be having a fund raiser event at the South-Side Walmart store – Saturday, August 30th from 9:30AM to 4:00PM.
We will be selling "Kendama" toys! Large toys are $20.00 and the small ones are $10.00.
To find out more about Kendama, please see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNwUFDMSkZE
You may also order your Kendama toys by calling: 403-381-0038
- 2014 Sister Cities International Conference
July 31st - August 2nd, 2014
Join us for the 2014 Sister Cities International Conference – San Jose, California – July 31 to August 02.
If you are interested in joining us, please contact Harold at 403-381-0038 or Carol at 403-381-3575.
- Executive Director of the Intercultural Dialogue Institute (Calgary), Malik Muradov visits Lethbridge
Lethbridge, July 22, 2014
On July 22nd, Malik Muradov, the Executive Director of the Intercultural Dialogue Institute (Calgary) came
to Lethbridge to visit with LTS Presiident, Harold.
The picture noted was taken at Level 8 of the University of Lethbridge where they said in the "longest hallway in any building in North America!"
Malik and Harold discussed international relations and the work of the LTS as well as the work of Intercultural Dialogue Institue (IDI).
Similarities in "bridging" are apparent. As a reaching out in collaboration, a "Friendship Dinner" is being planned in the near future at the home of President Harold and his wife, Cheryl.
At this dinner, MP Jim Hillyer has been invited and due to Malik's previous meeting with MP Hillyer in Ottawa earlier this year, he is expected to accept the invitation.
The Lethbridge Twinning Society has found that collaboration with other groups and organizations like the ICI is vital in achieving likeminded goals towards international peace, understanding and relations.
- Nikki Yuko Japanese Garden's Anniversary
Lethbridge, July 12, 2014
On July 12, 2014 – Nikki Yuko Japanese Garden in Lethbridge celebrated their 47th Year Anniversary.
The occasion was attended by Consul General of Japan (Calgary) Ryosaka Tamura, and his wife.
On hand as well was His Worship, Mayor Chris Spearman.
Dr. Robert Hironaka, a Director of the Nikki Yuko Japanese Garden Society and a Charter Member of the Lethbridge Twinning Society was recognized at the opening ceremony.
Dr. Hironaka was in fact instrumental in the appropriation of the Japanese Garden in 1967.
Festivities were organized for the entire day throughout the garden. The weather fully cooperated.
His Worship – Mayor Chris Spearman presents Consul General of Japan (Calgary) – Mr. Tamura with an "Ammonite Pendant".
(L-R) His Worship – Mayor Chris Spearman, Dr. Robert Hironaka (Charter Member of Lethbridge Twinning Society), Consul General of Japan (Calgary) Mr. Ryosaka Tamura and Mrs. Tamura.
The beautiful Nikki Yuko Japanese Garden – Lethbridge, Alberta. July 12, 2014
- Vote for the Lethbridge Twinning Society now!
July 10, 2014
Please help the Lethbridge Twinning Society get votes in the Northside Lethbridge Dodge's initiative - "You Choose" on their Facebook page:
You have to like the post and then write the comment, "Lethbridge Twinning Society", we need all the votes we can get to win the prize at the end of the July!
Alternatvely you can email directly to: cps@lethbridgedodge.com.
- Lethbridge Twinning Society's annual Potluck BBQ.
Saturday July 5 at 6:00 P.M.
You are invited to the Lethbridge Twinning Society's annual Potluck BBQ!
Ruth's house: 9 Dalhousie Rd W
Meat will be supplied.
Please bring a salad, dessert, or side item.
RSVP 403.381.0038 (leave a message if no answer)
You can also download an invitation to the Lethbridge Twinning Society's annual Potluck BBQ: click here to download.
I would like to reinforce that guests/family/friends are welcome to come and see what the LTS is all about.
It would be wonderful to grow the organization so invite those you feel would be interested.
We look forward to seeing you there!
- Alison Lee – 2014 Youth Ambassador
July 05, 2014
Alison Lee
Alison Lee is a dynamic and positive young lady of 16 years of age. She recently met members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society and told us how excited she was to have been selected to the Youth Ambassador program this year. The program is sponsored by the United States Department of State and is a three week mentoring program that is designed to improve life skills and global understanding of the participants. The program will have Alison traveling to Ottawa and then to the United States where she will also visit Washington, DC.
Alison experienced the despicable act of child sexual assault/abuse when she was just 6 years of age. She has these scars in her life, but she is determined to move on, she is very supportive of the "Little Warriors Camp" in the Edmonton area. This camp takes in youth who have experienced sexual abuse and provides them the safe and secure camp experience to help in the healing process. Last year, Alison had raised over $20,000.00 towards the support of the Little Warriors Camp!
We wish Alison well in the Youth Ambassador Program and look forward to meeting with her when she returns so that she can share her experiences and perspectives of the program.
Please see the attached Lethbridge Herald Newspaper article that tells more about Alison.
Children sexual abuse crusader accepted to Youth Ambassadors
By Zentner, Caroline on June 28, 2014.
Lethbridge Herald
Alison Lee has set herself a big goal to fundraise $50,000 next year, enough to send two children to the Little Warriors Be Brave Ranch.
The ranch, set to open later this year, will provide treatment for children aged eight to 12 who have been sexually abused. Lee, 16 years old and a survivor of childhood sexual abuse herself, has already fundraised $22,000 for Little Warriors.
Now that she's been accepted into the Youth Ambassadors Program she hopes to glean some big ideas to help her fundraise that $50,000. The program brings high school students and adult mentors from countries across the Americas together to increase mutual understanding, develop leadership skills and prepare youth to be active citizens in their communities.
Alison said the mentors will be giving the youth information and guidance on being an active citizen and how to organize a fundraising event in their home community, one of the requirements of participating in the program.
"I've never got to listen to big entrepreneurs and how to plan fundraising events," she said. "I'd really love to get to the point where I can do a big fundraiser and have that insight on how to do a budget and how to get sponsorships."
As an advocate for children who have been sexually abused, Alison said she wants to bring awareness and help prevent sexual abuse.
"One in three girls and one in six boys are sexually abused before the time they're 18. When you say that statistic, not many people understand that's one in three walking past (you) in the street," she said.
The three-week exchange program will see Lee travel first to Ottawa on July 20 where she'll join 20 other high school students from across Canada. After a couple of days in Ottawa, the students will travel to Plattsburgh, N.Y., then to New York City and Washington, D.C.
"Not many kids get to go on a three-week exchange," she said. "I'm so excited because I've never travelled outside of Canada. It's pretty cool to be 16 and going to the White House."
While the cost of her trip is paid for, Alison is having a hard time getting some spending money together since she depleted her savings following a car collision a month ago.
"Some lady totalled my car so I've had to use all my savings to buy a new car and I come from a low-income family and my family can't really afford to give me money," she said.
Anyone who'd like to help Alison can call 403-345-5437 or send an email to alison.xo15@gmail.com.
"I'm hoping I can get 10 people who can just help me out with $100, then I'll be good. My mom's worried about health care and stuff, like if something happened to me down there," Alison said.
- Annual Conference and General Meeting of the Alberta/Japan Twinned Municipalities
Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, June 13-14, 2014
On June 13 and 14, 2014 Director of the Lethbridge Twinning Society (LTS), Michael Bennett attended the Annual Conference
and General Meeting of the Alberta/Japan Twinned Municipalities (A/JTMA) in Rocky Mountain House, Alberta.
This was yet another of Michael's several participations in the A/JTMA conferences over the years.
Michael had the unique experience at this year's conference of being offered an exclusive tour via private aircraft flown by Rocky Mountain House Mayor, Mr. Fred Nash.
Michael presented a number of initiatives on behalf of the LTS at the conference in particular the pilot program for the "English as a Second Language" programs at the University of Lethbridge,
the Lethbridge College and Flexibility Learning Systems.
(L-R) Mrs. Tamura, Michael Bennett, Consul General of Japan (Calgary) Mr. Tamura
Derrick Campbell (Newly Elected President of A/JTMA) and Michael Bennett
- Visit to Towada City
Towada, Japan, May 2014
In May, 2014 Diane Minamide (Director for Towada City relations) together with John attended in Towada City not in an "official" capacity, but rather as friends and visitors.
They were graciously welcomed and had the opportunity of meeting a number of Towada City – Association for International Relations (T-AIR) members.
The visit, like previous visits and future such visits continue to build the friendship bond that vibrantly exists between the communities of Towada City and Lethbridge.
Makoto Sakurada (Left) gives "thumbs up" as he had the opportunity of visiting with John and Diane (Far Right) in a local Towada City establishment.
(L-R) Diane, Toshihiko, Mr. Teiichi Arao, Katsuhito and John visit Mr. Arao at the Kitasato University, Towada City.
(Toshihiko and Katsuhito were students at the Lethbridge College in February/March 2014 studying "English as a Second Language".
- Ice Breaker Road Race
Great Falls, Montana, April 26, 2014
On April 26th a delegation from the Lethbridge Twinning Society (LTS) travelled to Great Falls, Montana in preparation for the "Ice Breaker Road Race". This is an annual event and for the past several years, members of our Society have taken part. This year, we were greeted by members of the City of Great Falls, "Advisory Commission on International Relations" (ACIR) and hosted in the home of Robin Baker. Many members of ACIR were in attendance as we mingled and enjoyed a wonderful dinner. Fresh salad, and "Montana" pasta along with a special meat sauce that was made from scratch by a local restaurant. It was delicious and provided us with a good "carb up" in anticipation of the race the following day. It was a great evening where we got to know each other better. LTS and ACIR are trusting that our respective cities will enter into a formal sister city agreement, as we have both made representations for this process to our respective City Councils.
Members of LTS and ACIR (Picture taken in the Baker's back yard).
We woke up to a rather cool morning, and were ready to "break some ice" in the Ice Breaker Road Race! It was an excellent time to meet residents of Great Falls. This was a very well organized event with approximately 3,000 in attendance.
Robin and her husband working to get the "sack lunches" ready for the participants. Robin Baker from ACIR along with her husband were volunteers and worked to supply lunches for the participants.
Warm up prior to the races. (Notice our Canadian Flag!) The races begin in front of the City of Great Falls, Civic Center which is right down town.
The race is about to begin!
Warren Harold and Cheryl from the LTS
A nice flag to see along the race route!
# 312, This is Seth from LTS, when it was all over, he had won the second place medal for his age group! Congratulations Seth!
Duane from LTS is center with the red tee-shirt. He is ready for the 5 mile race!
Duane is close to leading the pack in the 5 miler!
Seth crosses the finish line of the 5 Mile Ice Breaker Road Race (Unofficial time of 34:42)
- Counsul General for Japan, Calgary, Mr. Fukuda visits Lethbridge
February 12, 2014
On February 12, 2014 Consul General for Japan, Calgary, Mr. Fukuda visited Lethbridge. He was hosted by members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society (LTS) for a lunch reception at the Lethbridge Lodge.
General discussion was focused on activities of the Lethbridge Twinning Society with respect to Japanese relations and advancement in areas of structured educational exchanges involving accredited learning institutions in Lethbridge that facilitate this initiative. (The University of Lethbridge, the Lethbridge College and Flexible Learning Systems).
Consul General Fukuda then took the opportunity of visiting with Lethbridge City Mayor, His Worship Chris Spearman at City Hall. In the evening, Consul General Fukuda attended at the University of Lethbridge's "International Dinner".
We as a Society are very honored and privileged to have a wonderful relationship with the Consulate of Japan Office in Calgary as well with Consul General Fukuda. We wish him and his wife the very best as their posting to the Calgary Consulate is nearing an end. We look forward to meeting and working with the incoming Consul General for Japan, Calgary Consulate.
Consul General for Japan, Calgary, Mr. Fukuda with Lethbridge City Mayor, His Worship Chris Spearman at City Hall
L-R: Diane (LTS Director - Towada City City, Japan relations), Counsul General for Japan, Calgary - Mr. Fukuda, Pastor George (LTS Member), Fran (LTS Member), Peggy (LTS Member),
Carol (LTS Director - Public Relations)
- "Pot Luck" Dinner
January 25, 2014
Yet another fabulous "Pot Luck" Dinner!
January 25, 2014 – 6:00PM to 9:00PM
Parkbridge Estates Community Hall
2927 – 29th Street South
It was a cold evening, but we had very warm fellowship during our pot luck. We were pleased that we were able to welcome guests from Japan along with a guest from Hawaii. Our key note speaker, Trevor worked with the United Nations for over 30 years and provided an insightful message to us on "International Relations". Trevor lived in a plethora of countries with totally different cultures and customs, these countries included Iraq and Iran. The message certainly challenged us and encouraged us to understand and appreciate various cultures and foreign customs.
Thanks to everyone who came, the wonderful foods that were shared and most of all, for coming together and sharing the evening.
Adam introduces Lloyd who has just arrived in Lethbridge from Hawaii..........Really???? He actually came here to -30C temperatures in January!
Lloyd came to assist teaching "Polynesian" drumming with Adam at the UofL. Thank you Adam for introducing Lloyd to us, "Aloha"!
The "Head Table" recognizes Lloyd (L-R : Carol, Jan, Trevor, Michael and Harold)
Welcome to the Lethbridge Twinning Society - "Pot Luck"
Tom presents "lapel pin" of the City of Lethbridge to Lloyd.
Lloyd gives Tom a warm Hawaiian - "nose to nose" welcome greeting.
Harold and Carol welcome Lloyd.
Lloyd demonstrates "Tahitian welcome kiss".
Introduction of "Key Note Speaker - Trevor"
Key Note Speaker - Trevor
Introduction of Japanese Students.
Introduction of Japanese Students.
Introduction of Japanese Students.
Introduction of two teachers from Sapporo, Japan - They are "exchange teachers" at the University of Lethbridge.
Introduction of two teachers from Sapporo, Japan - They are "exchange teachers" at the University of Lethbridge.
Diane provides report on Towada City City, Japan. (L-R) Diane, John.
Diane provides report on Towada City City, Japan. (L-R) Diane, John.
Carol presents public relations report.
Glen delivers message on behalf of Kyle - Director of Timashevsk, Russia.
Jack chats with two students from Japan who are here studying long term.
- Global Lethbridge Interview
January 22, 2014
Mark Campbell from Lethbridge Global TV interviewing us in the Atrium of City Hall.
We had the opportunity of promoting the Pot Luck Dinner on January 25th and to also promote the Lethbridge Twinning Society in general.
- Lethbridge Twinning Society presentation
January 20th, 2014
On January 20, 2014 - Harold Pereverseff (President of the Lethbridge Twinning Society) and Michael Bennett (Director of Culver City, California Relations - Lethbridge Twinning Society) went before
Lethbridge City Council to present a proposal for the City of Lethbridge to enter into a formal and official "Sister City" relationship with the City of Great Falls, Montana.
We are optimistically positive that the Mayor and City Council will proceed with this proposal once they have concluded their research by March 31, 2014.