Our greatest events in 2017
- City of Great Falls, delegation visit
September - October, 2017
City of Great Falls, delegation visit - Brandy Old, our Director for Great Falls relations has this for us:
Keeping with the high spirits between Great Falls and Lethbridge, we are thinking of organizing a non-sponsored visit to Great Falls sometime in the fall.
We will be driving across the border, so you must have a valid passport. The trip will be on a weekend, and you will need to pay for accommodations.
The trip, without shopping, should cost no more than $300.
If you are interested in participating in the trip, please follow the link below to complete a short survey about potential dates.
If we have enough interest within the group, Brandy Old and Harold Pereverseff will be in contact with Charity Jacobson and the ACIR to organize an itinerary.
It is great to see such a strong relationship being formed with a Sister City, and we encourage everyone to continue building a strong relationship with Great Falls.
- Culver City, California - closing Centennial celebrations
September 16 - 23, 2017
See the attached "invitation" from former Mayor of Culver City, Jim Clarke.
Michael Bennett, our Director for Culver City Relations is planning on attending, and the
invitation to others is certainly open.
Michael Bennett has been in contact with Marla Wolkowitz, the Culver City Sister City Committee Director for Lethbridge Relations.
Marla recently sent this information to Michael: "find online related to published activities of the Centennial.
Go to http://culvercity100.org/events/ for the calendar.
It appears there's a big day in the park on September 16 and a Closing Gala on the 23rd.
For a number of us, not too many, Rosh Hashana will begin in the evening of
Wednesday, September 20 and ends in the evening of Friday, September 22.
That will impact those that observe and will be attending service Wednesday
night and Thursday at the very least.
I am checking with the Centennial Committee and our new President Nancy
Perdomo-Browning (see the cc) for guidance and will write again when I have
something to share."
For now folks, if anyone has any interest in going to Culver City for their
closing Centennial celebrations on September 16 and/or September 20 - 22nd.
Please contact Michael Bennett - mbreport@me.com or text/phone him at:
- Rachael Harder invitation to a free pancake breakfast
August 25, 2017
Members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society have received this very gracious
invitation from our MP Rachael Harder. We hope that many of you will be
able to participate.
- Hosting Ainu performers for a Lethbridge Twinning Society Bar-B-Que
August 15th, 2017
It was a great honour and privilege to host the three Ainu performers for a Lethbridge Twinning Society (LTS) Bar B Que at the home of President,
Harold and Cheryl Pereverseff. the Bar B Que followed a wonderful performance at Fort Whoop-Up The Ainu are from northern Hokkaido,
Japan and came to Lethbridge to perform at Fort Whoop-Up which was a joint performance with the
Blackfoot Drum Group (Yellow Gun Singers) with performances by Jeremy Oka and Torry Eagle Speaker.
The performance was entitled "Indigenous Bridges" The Japanese Consulate (Calgary) sponsored the Ainu
members of the "Ainu Art Project". It was a picture perfect day, however with temperatures hovering the 30C mark,
it was hot for the perfomers and the audience alike.
Special thank you to our visitors, Mr. Koji Yuki, Mr. Shoji Fukumoto, Ms. Yuka Hayasaka (The Ainu) and Vice-Consul Tomori, and Consul staff member Jeremy Davies from the Japanese Consulate in Calgary.
Ms. Yuka Hayasaka, Mr. Shoji Fukumoto and Mr. Koji Yuki
Japanese Consulate staff member Jeremy Davies introduces the Ainu at Fort Whoop-Up
Jeremy Oka performs "Chicken Dance"
There was great interaction between the Ainu and the Black Foot Nation members
Warren "mans the grill" Alberta Beef the finest to be served to our guests
Enjoying the Bar B Que – "Alberta Beef, fresh Taber corn, freshly made sour cherry juice, garden picked salad and for dessert, apple crisp made from apples hand picked the day before"
Cheryl presents "Canadian Maple Syrup" to the Ainu members as they prepare to depart
LTS members, Ainu members and representative from the Japanese Consulate in Calgary
Saying our final "Good byes"
- Indigenous Bridges: Traditional Music and Dance Performances by The Blackfoot nation and The Ainu People of Japan
August 11, 2017 - 1:00PM
Members of the Ainu, indigenous people predominantly from the northern island of Hokkaido, Japan,
will be visiting Lethbridge and Calgary to hold traditional music performances this August.
To promote understanding of the indigenous culture of Japan, and in line with the sister relationship long-held between Hokkaido and Alberta, the Consulate-General of Japan in Calgary has invited 3 members of Ainu Art Project, a group formed in 2000 that promotes traditional Ainu culture via dance, music, & handcrafts to Alberta. Working in partnership with Galt Museum & Archives, Blackfoot Nation, and the Calgary Japanese Festival Omatsuri, Ainu Art Project will be performing songs on stage using the Mukkuri and Tonkori, traditional Ainu instruments.
They perform traditional dance and music. Very colourful and very unique.
This event will take place at 1:00PM at the Fort Whoop Up Center.
There is no charge for their performance, however regular admission charges apply for entry to the Fort Whoop Up Center.
The LTS may have the opportunity of hosting the Ainu performers at a Bar B Que,
however this is not confirmed as their schedule is yet to be fully determined by the Consulate General for Japan's office in Calgary.
- City of Great Falls visit
July 28th, 2017
On Friday, July 28, 2017 we were very pleased to have Charity from the City of Great Falls come by and meet with our Director for Great Falls Relations, Brandy as they enjoyed coffee together at Tim Hortons. Late, Charity and her friend Lyle met with Lethbridge Twinning Society member, Rina as they took in a Chinese food meal at the New Dynasty Restaurant.
We look forward to more of these informal visits that go a long way in building meaningful sister city relations!
Charity and Rina pose at the New Dynasty Restaurant
Charity and Brandy pose at Tim Hortons
- Official Residence of the Consul General for Japan
July 28th, 2017
On July 28th, 2017 Harold Pereverseff, President of the Lethbridge Twinning Society and his wife attended at the Official Residence of the Consul General for Japan (Calgary). The occasion was the send off of JET (Japanese English Teachers). There were 27 JETs in attendance, and we had the opportunity of meeting many of them. They were all very excited and it is my impression that they are all excellent selections for these awesome opportunities. We wish to thank Consul General Tanabe and his wife for the gracious invitation to this reception. As always, they were excellent hosts, and the meal served was spectacular as prepared by the Consul General's personal chef.
Ms. Tanabe, Consul General for Japan's wife standing in front of their Official Residence. Very gracious hosts for the reception
Harold Pereverseff with Consul General staff member, Jeremy Davies
Harold Pereverseff and wife Cheryl standing in front of the Official Residence of the Consul General for Japan (Calgary)
Consul General for Japan, Mr. K. Tanabe and his wife in front of their official residence. It was an honour and a huge privilege to be invited to this send off celebration, as the 27 JETs who were departing for Tokyo the following day. It was especially wonderful to send off Ms. Kayta Brown from Lethbridge. Kayta will be teaching English in one of Lethbridge's "Sister Cities" Haebaru, (Okinawa) Japan
- Presentation at the Galt Museum
July 19th, 2017
On July 19, 2017 Lethbridge Twinning Society President, Harold Pereverseff made a presentation at the Galt Museum regarding the Lethbridge Twinning Society and its role in the Lethbridge community. The talk was made before a group of residents and (we discovered) a couple... from the City of Edmonton. The presentation focused on our Sister City, Towada City, Japan and in particular, Towada resident and very talented musician, Makoto Sakurada. As a door prize, along with our usual assortment of novelty items, we presented the CD "Four Seasons" by Makoto Sakurada. Many residents of Lethbridge attended and a few visitors who later remarked that they found the presentation very enlightening.
Although the Lethbridge Twinning Society has relations with four "Sister Cities" (Culver City, California; Great Falls, Montana; Timashevsk, Russia and Towada City, Japan) the presentation centred on Towada City, Japan. In particular on the relations established with Towada City performer, Makoto Sakurada.
President of Lethbridge Twinning Society, Harold Pereverseff welcomes guests to the presentation on the Lethbridge Twinning Society at the Galt Museum
President of Lethbridge Twinning Society, Harold Pereverseff at the Galt Museum
Video depicting Makoto Sakurada
Video depicting Makoto Sakurada
Tom Yeoman assists with video presentation
Display on Lethbridge Twinning Society relations
- Her Imperial Highness, Princess Ayakko of Takamado from Japan visit
July 14th, 2017
Lethbridge MP Rachael Harder and Her Imperial Highness Princess Ayako of Takamodo
On July 14, 2017 Her Imperial Highness, Princess Ayakko of Takamado from Japan visited Lethbridge and among other venues,
she visited the Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden. The Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden was celebrating a 50th year anniversary.
It was an honor and privilege for the Hibikiya Taiko Group (Southern Alberta Taiko Association) to perform for the Princess.
Our Japanese Sister City, Towada City, Japan through the Lethbridge Twinning Society, took the opportunity of expressing a congratulatory message to the Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden Society. (See the message from Mr. Hauro Shirayama – President of the Towada Association for International Relations)
It was a hot, sunny day in Lethbridge, that greeted Princess Ayakko. It was a pleasure that Consul General for Japan (Calgary) Mr. Kunihiko Tanabe and his wife Kazue Tanabe accompanied the Princess. Dignitary, Lois Mitchell (Alberta's Lieutenant-Governor) was also in attendance. Local government officials and many Lethbridge residents came to the event.
L-R - Her Imperial Highness Princess Ayako of Takamado, Lois Mitchell, Alberta's Lieutenant-Governor, Member of Parliament, Rachael Harder, MP, Member of Alberta Legislative Assembly, Maria Fitzpatrick, Consul General for Japan (Calgary) Mr. Kunihiko Tanabe, Mrs. Kazue Tanabe, Charles McCleary.
Her Imperial Highness Princess Ayako of Takamodo passes by the Hibikiya Taiko group after their performance.
Hikikiya (Southern Alberta Taiko Association) perform for Her Imperial Highness Princess Ayako of Takamodo.
Bryan (Sensei) of Hibikiya presents during the perfomance.
Takako presents during the performance. (Samurai "Warren" stands on watch during the performance)
Harold Pereverseff (President of the Lethbridge Twinning Society) presents the congratulatory greeting on behalf of our Sister City, Towada City, Japan – Mr. Hauro Shirayama – President of the Towada Association for International Relations.
Takako Pereverseff (former resident of Towada City, Japan) presents the congratulatory greeting on behalf of our Sister City, Towada City, Japan – Mr. Hauro Shirayama – President of the Towada Association for International Relations. *In Japanese
Takako Pereverseff and Harold Pereverseff leave the stage after their presentation.
- Welcome Brandy Old as the Director for our Great Falls, Montana relations!
July 25th, 2017
Brandy is a dynamic individual and keenly interested in international relations and community.
Brandy is employed at the University of Lethbridge in a challenging role in programs.
- Win a "Lethbridge, 3-Day Get-A-Way"
July 1st, 2017 - Canada's 150th Anniversary!

The contest was extended to our Sister City, Great Falls, Montana. We had over 210
couples entering the contest and we selected Scott and Shirley Gillaspie as Winners! They arrived in Lethbridge on June 30th and left back to Great Falls on July 2nd. It was
a fast paced, fun packed weekend. Members of the LTS graciously hosted the Scott and Shirley and enjoyed meeting them very much. It was a wonderful opportunity for
us as a Sister City organization and for the Great Falls residents as well. For more details, please see our City of Great Falls, web page.
Members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society, (L-R) Prachi, Brandy (Interim
Director for Great Falls Relations) and Harold (President) make a selection
of the winner of the "Lethbridge Get-A-Way contest" - The winners, Scott
and Shirley Gillaspie! Congratulations!
- Member of the City of Great Falls Advisory Commission on International Relations, Lana Kadoshikov and her family, visit Lethbridge for Canada 150 celebrations
June 30th, 2017
On June 30th we were very happy to host a member of the City of Great Falls, Advisory Commission on International Relations (ACIR), Lana Kadoshnikov, her husband Yuri and two of their children, Mike and Kate.
We have a wonderful relationship with the Kadoshnikov family and we are working together to build strong relations between the residents of Great Falls, MT and Lethbridge, AB.
The Kadoshnikov family were here to celebrate Canada 150 with us.
See more details at the Great Falls page.
- Makoto invited to celebrate Canada 150 at Canadian Embassy in Tokyo
June 30th, 2017
On June 30th, 2017 – Makoto Sakurada from our Sister City, Towada City, Japan was invited to the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo, Japan to celebrate Canada 150 Anniversary. There were over 400 people in attendance! Makoto has, of course, been a "Citizen Ambassador" for Towada City for a number of years. He has made two visits to Lethbridge, where he performed his musical talents, most recently in 2012 when he conducted an Alberta tour where he held performances in 13 communities! This was Makoto's "Thank you, Alberta!" tour his performances in response to the tremendous support the Province of Alberta gave to his country, Japan, following the great earthquake of 2011.
Canadian Ambassador to Tokyo, Mr. Ian Burny.
- A grant from the Provincial Alberta Government for "Hibikiya"
June 18th, 2017
On June 18th Lethbridge's only authentic Taiko group, Southern Alberta Taiko Association, "Hibikiya" were presented a grant from the Provincial Alberta Government. Congratulations to Hibikiya who are a direct link to our Sister City, Towada City, Japan.
The grant will be used for equipment, including drums for Taiko! Hibikiya has many years of successful Taiko not only in Alberta, but most recently in the United States where they performed in our Sister City, Great Falls, Montana.
Hon. Minister Shannon Phillips presented a grant from the Provincial Alberta Government to the Southern Alberta Taiko Association.
Sensei, Bryan Pereverseff leads Hibikiya in an awesome performance at the Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden.
Taiko artists, Tanya and Kevin display perfect coordination and absolute concentration as they perform Taiko.
Samurai, Warren and Hibikiya Taiko artist, Tanya pose for a picture.
- "Pot Luck" Bar-B-Que
June 12th, 2017
On Monday, June 12th we had a "Pot Luck" Bar-B-Que. Some of the members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society were able to join in to make a wonderful evening. There was an abundance of food and the desserts were incredible! Time passed quickly, we shared stories, had many laughs, it is great being together with like minded "citizen diplomats".
- USA Evening at the Bull's – Spitz Stadium
June 10th, 2017
The Members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society were welcomed to the Lethbridge Bull's – Spitz Stadium to participate in their promotional USA Evening!
We were pleased to attend, and our host, Mark Campbell certainly made us feel welcomed!
We were honoured with the opportunity of having Ryan Caldwell sing the American Anthem, throw the first pitch of the game as well as sign the 7th Inning Stretch "Sing – a –long" Take me out to the ball game! (Triple duty for Ryan) and he did fantastic. Marisa Boles sang the Canadian Anthem and encouraged everyone to sing along with her, which they did!
This was an awesome opportunity for the Lethbridge Twinning Society for promotion and to participate in a well attended community event. We are hoping that similar invitations will avail themselves.
Marisa Boles and Ryan Caldwell get ready to sing anthems at the ball game
Ryan Caldwell singing the American Anthem
Marisa Boles singing the Canadian Anthem
Mark Campbell, our host and Marisa Boles
- Great Falls, Montana, USA Ice Breaker Road Race
April 22 – April 23, 2017
The Lethbridge Twinning Society Celebrates Canada's 150th Anniversary south of the border with Hibikiya in Great Falls, Montana.
On April 22, members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society (LTS) journeyed to Great Falls for the annual Ice Breaker Road Race.
LTS members enjoyed a hearty welcome from Great Falls Mayor, Bob Kelly. Lethbridge and Great Falls were able to culminate the
visit both as "sister cities" and in celebration of Canada's 150th birthday.
In the spirit of friendship, an Alberta flag was hung at the Civic Centre where the hub for the Ice Breaker Road Race was located. Along for the journey was Lethbridge's authentic Japanese Taiko drum group, HIBIKIYA, lead by Bryan Pereverseff. The group performed throughout the day, which was a relief for the runners when the weather took a turn for worse.
HIBIKIYA even performed for Great Falls Mayor, Bob Kelly at a private residence on the evening prior to the Ice Breaker event. Both visitors and hosts were able to spend time perusing Great Falls, taking in the sites, which was followed by an impressive meal cooked by Montana's Sister City members before LTS members hit the road for Canada.
After the race with LTS Members, Geoff and Karen.
April 23, 2017: Great Falls Mayor, Bob Kelly, tries his hand at playing Taiko drumming.
LTS Members, Sho, Ako and Koh are happy medal winners after the race!
The trip to Great Falls has received attention across multiple media platforms.
Read the full article "Ice Breaker helps Lethbridge build bonds with Great Falls" in the Great Falls Tribune.
Watch KRTV's footage of the visit: "Lethbridge Twinning Society visits Great Falls".
For more photos, visit Lethbridge Twinning Society's Facebook Page.
A special thanks to the Canadian Consulate in Denver, Colorado for assisting the Lethbridge Twinning Society in making this visit a reality.
- Welcome Rolanda Richard as a Treasurer of the Society!
April 20th, 2017
The Lethbridge Twinning Society welcomes Rolanda Richard
recently appointed to the position of Treasurer of the Society.
Rolanda is a long-time member of the Society and has been
a constant supporter and contributor.
Rolanda takes over the
Treasurer position from Terri DeMerchant who has moved to
"live the life" in Calgary! Welcome Rolanda and thank you!
- Local Lethbridge Taiko group, HIBIKIYA, to travel to Great Falls!
April, 2017
The Lethbridge Twinning Society is celebrating Canada's 150th anniversary in a unique way.
In collaboration with Lethbridge's authentic Japanese Taiko group, HIBIKIYA, they will be travelling to our Sister City, Great Falls, Montana this coming weekend. The City of Great Falls is hosting their 38th Annual "Ice Breaker Road Race", an event which, since 2006, members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society have participated in.
"We value, greatly, our established Sister City relations with Timashevsk, Russia, Culver City, California, Towada City, Japan, and our newest 'Sister City', Great Falls, Montana (2014). With this being Canada's 150th anniversary, the Lethbridge Twinning Society is celebrating and wants to share a unique opportunity with the Great Falls community," says Lethbridge Twinning Society President, Harold Pereverseff. The Lethbridge Twinning Society has been invited by the City of Great Falls, Park and Recreation Department, to the Ice Breaker Road Race, and at the venue, HIBIKIYA will be performing throughout the day. The performances are being offered free of charge, in the spirit of the Lethbridge community extending the 'hands of friendship' across the United States border. "We are very grateful to have the support of the Canadian Consulate in Denver, Colorado (which oversees Montana) in this extension of 'Sister City' relations with Great Falls," says Pereverseff.
HIBIKIYA, under the direction of sensei, Bryan Pereverseff, is an authentic Japanese Taiko drumming group that performs original Japanese Taiko which has been gifted to them from their sister groups in Lethbridge's "Sister City", Towada City, Japan. HIBIKIYA is affiliated with and supported by the Southern Alberta Taiko Society.
The Great Falls participation is actually a troika of Sister City relations (Lethbridge, Towada City, Japan, and Great Falls, Montana), and is a unique way of celebrating Canada's 150th anniversary while building meaningful relations between the Lethbridge and the Great Falls communities.