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Our greatest events in 2013
- Dick Reimer
December 31st, 2013
With deep sadness and expressing a great loss - to the Reimer family, our Society and the Lethbridge community, Dick Reimer passed away on December 31, 2013.
The funeral of our dear friend took place on January 04, 2014.
To Natalie, Carol, Richard and your children, as well to the relatives, friends and our Society members, Dick was an incredible man in so many ways.
His career with CP Rail, his stewardship in his rental homes and in particular, his unwavering care, love and commitment to his precious wife, Betty are a testament to the man Dick was.
We have all lost a role model gentleman and a void now exists that absolutely no person will ever be able to step up to.
God bless you Dick.
- A/JTMA Conference 2013 - Didsbury, Alberta
July 5 & 6, 2013
Gary, Carol, Harold and Michael attended the Alberta/Japan Twinned Municipalities Association (A/JTMA) conference in Didsbury.
Didsbury Mayor, Brian Wittal with Harold, Carol and Gary.
Professor Tokuda along with his wife are joined by Associate Minister of Alberta Government International Intergovernmental Relations (IIR) Hon.
Teresa Woo-Paw along with Dana Mackie and Linda also from IIR.
Consul General for Japan in Calgary, Mr. Susumu Fukuda (seated middle).
Associate Minister of IIR Hon. Teresa. Woo-Paw addresses the conference delegates while Didsbury Mayor, Brian Wittal looks on.
Dana Mackie (Left) IIR and Michael.
Carol (Left) participating in Annual General Meeting of the A/JTMA.
Luana Smith from the Town of Didsbury passes the A/JTMA "gavel" to His Worship, Mayor Fred Nash of Rocky Mountain House.
Michael and Derrick Campbell from Hanna, Alberta.
- Hot Dog – Bar B Que – Fund Raiser!
June 29, 2013
On June 29th we held a hot dog Bar B Que at Save On Foods, North.
This year, we introduced a new style of hot dog – "Japa-Dog" it is a regular hot dog with a Japanese flavor twist, mayonnaise, teriyaki sauce, sea weed and sesame seeds………
we only had a few customers willing to take the taste challenge, but those that did gave us "thumbs up" reviews!
Thank you so much to those that came to support and assist with the successful event. Richard, Garth, Gary, Harold, Cheryl, Linda and Terri.
We had a good day and we raised a good amount of money towards the Society. Thank you Save On Foods, for granting us the opportunity to have the Bar B Que!
Hungry customers – we were ready to serve!
L-R Richard, Garth, Terri, Cheryl, Gary. Richard is trying to sell a "Japa-dog".
- Vitalize 2013
June 13, 14, 15 - 2013 – Edmonton, Alberta
This was the second year we were invited to and participated in the Vitalize
Conference hosted by the Alberta Government – Alberta Culture.
The dynamic conference was attended by well over 700 delegates from throughout Alberta from practically every "volunteer sector" you can imagine! The opportunity of participating in a variety of sessions made the conference so worthwhile. The program and selection of key note speakers was phenomenal. Amanda Lindhout shared her
heart wrenching experience as a 460 day hostage in Somalia and how, in 2011, she created a foundation that provides famine relief in Somalia! The closing ceremonies,
key note speaker, Michael "Pinball" Clemons the former CFL's Toronto Argonaut player and then teams head coach, presented such an encouraging message to us. The Michael "Pinball" Clemons Foundation is dedicated to helping disadvantaged youth.
Minister of Culture, Heather Klimchuk as well as Human Resources Minister, Dave Hancock addressed the conference several times.
Thank you, for this awesome opportunity and we hope to be able to participate in the 2014 Vitalize Conference in Calgary!
Harold Pereverseff and Amanda Lindhout.
Alberta Human Resources Minister Dave Hancock.
Michael "Pinball" Clemons.
- Lethbridge Twinning Society presentation at Wilson Middle School
June 12, 2013
On June 12, 2013, we made a presentation on "Sister Cities" and the Lethbridge Twinning Society at Wilson Middle School. Teacher, Miss Tammi Viney had given us the opportunity of addressing her grade 6 and 7 students in a "Leaders of Tomorrow" class.
We were very pleased to introduce the Lethbridge Twinning Society to the students, and we
believe that they understand the concept of "Sister Cities" and the huge benefit of us having
twin cities in the United States, Japan and in Russia.
The students attention was fantastic as we made our presentation. "Youth Ambassador"Jocelyn with us was perfect to interact with the students. We showed students, Russian "Matruska" dolls" and Japanese fans. We also shared some Japanese cookies with the students.
Thank you very much, Miss Viney and Wilson Middle School, we will gladly come by again if you ever need another class presentation!
L-R - Carol Kensley, Terri DeMerchant, Jocelyn Dufresne, from Lethbridge Twinning Society and Wilson Middle School teacher, Miss Tammi Viney.
Jocelyn addresses the students of the "Leaders of Tomorrow" class at Wilson Middle School.
- Consul General Susumu Fukuda visits Lethbridge
May 13, 2013
On May 13, 2013 the Lethbridge Twinning Society hosted Consul General, Susumu Fukuda as he visited Lethbridge.
Firstly, Mr. Fukuda visited the University of Lethbridge where he met
Mr. Mike Mahon (President) along with many other administration members. This was the first opportunity Mr. Fukuda had to visit our University.
Secondly, Mr. Fukuda was hosted by the President of the Lethbridge Twinning Society, Harold Pereverseff, along with Directors, Carol Kensley and Diane Minamide, for dinner at Lethbridge's Ric's Grill.
After dinner, Mr. Fukuda delivered a lecture on "Japan-Alberta Relations: Past and Present – Towards New Perspectives". The lecture was presented at the Lethbridge Public Library and was open to the public. The lecture was well attended. A panel answered questions from the audience as well joined in asking questions of the Consul General. Lethbridge's "Global News" was on hand to record part of the lecture and also to interview Mr. Fukuda.
We thank Consul General Fukuda very much for his time and effort for coming to Lethbridge and to present his informative lecture to us.
Audience listens to "Panel Discussion" with Consul General, Susumu Fukuda.
Global News (Lethbridge) interviewed Consul General Susumu Fukuda.
Mr. Fukuda delivering his lecture.
Panel Members (L-R): Pastor George Takashima, Consul General Fukuda, David Tanaka, John Harding, Diane Minamide.
- 2013 Volunteer Excellence Award
April 24, 2013
We are very impressed to advise that all three of our nominated youth to this year's "Volunteer Excellence Awards" were each recognized at the award ceremony on April 24th and that all three were recipients of the prestigious "Volunteer Excellence Award". Furthermore, Jocelyn was awarded a $1,000.00 scholarship to the University of Lethbridge! Please see below for more details and the link to the actual "Volunteer Lethbridge Site".
The 2013 Leaders of Tomorrow Recognition Event and Gala Evening was held on April 24, 2013 at the Lethbridge Lodge Hotel and Conference Centre. There were 92 amazing youth volunteers recognized, including 7 Volunteer Excellence Award recipients.
Thank you to everyone who was involved with this year's Gala: the nominators, nominees, staff, volunteers, Leaders of Tomorrow Committee, sponsors, Dory Rossiter (MC for the evening), the musical tones of the LCI Gold Jazz Band, and those who attended the Gala. Your participation and enthusiasm was instrumental in creating an evening that celebrated youth who are the future Leaders of Tomorrow!
"Seeing another human-being genuinely smile because YOU made an impact in their life, is extremely rewarding.
I like to think a smile is worth more than anything, and when you're making others happy, YOU are happy."
"I volunteer because I believe it is an important part of making a change.
I value being an active community member and want to have my opinions heard, and volunteering helps me do those things.
"Volunteering is fulfilling to me. It is not something I do to be recognized or praised. I do it because I love serving; my reward is seeing how I affect the people I serve."
Read more about Jocelyn, Abigail and Camilla, including their bio's at: http://www.volunteerlethbridge.com
- Hawaii – Plenary Session "3/11 Tsunami Debris: Japan-U.S. Collaborative Effort"
Sessions held at the Hawaii Convention Centre – March 02, 2013
Session Participants:
Panel Moderator: Dr. Jeffrey Hornung, Associate Professor, Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies
- Mr. Tsuyoshi Saito – Former Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary, Government of Japan
- Mr. Toyoei Shigeeda – Consul General of Japan at Honolulu, Hawaii
- Mr. Kazuhisa Ito – Cabinet Counselor, The Secretariate of the Headquarters for Ocean Policy, Cabinet Office
Government of Japan
- Mr. Takashi Mori – Director of Marine Environment, Ministry of Environment, Government of Japan
United States of America:
- Ms. Cary Morishige – Pacific Islands Regional Coordinator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
- Mr. Jono Blodgett – Aquatic Invasive Species Research Supervisor, Hawaii State Department of Land and Natural Resouces
- Mr. Gary Gill – Deputy Director, Envirornmental Health Administration, Hawaii State Department of Health
- Commander Martin Smith – Marine Environmental Response Specialist, 14th District – U.S. Coast Guard
3/11 Tsunami Debris: Japan-U.S. Collaborative Effort Panel
L-R –Mr. Saito – Former Deputy Chief, Cabinet Secretary Government of Japan & Mr. Shigeeda – Consul General of Japan at Honolulu.
L-R – Consul General Shigeeda – Consul General of Japan at Honolulu; Harold Pereverseff – President Lethbridge Twinning Society.
On ivitation, Harold Pereverseff participated in a panel discussion with respect to debris that is washing up on the shores of Pacific nations as a result of the "Great East Japan Earthquake", March 11, 2011.
The panel was held at the Hawaii Convention Center on March 02, 2011. The very well organized sessions were divided in two. The first being the Japanese perspective of issues surrounding the disaster debris and the second session being the United States perspective.
The extent of the debris and the seriousness/ precautions that are being exercised in dealing with the debris was overwhelming. The Japanese Government has pledged five million US Dollars to the United
States Government to aid in the clean up of the tsunami debris. The debris has begun arriving on the shores of the Hawaiian Islands and on the coasts of North America. The excellent presentation of the
Pacific Ocean current with satellite imagery and computer enhanced graphic imagery made it clear to understand why and how the debris is washing up on the shores of North America and the Hawaiian Islands.
Lethbridge, Alberta's "sister city" Towada City, City, Japan is approximately 15 Kiliometers away from Misawa, Japan and the coastline. It is from this coastline that a dock was broken away due to the earthquake and tsunami! This dock is an weighs an incredible 185 tons and is 65 feet long, 20 feet wide and 7.5 feet tall and most of the dock's volume is Styrofoam-type material encased in steel-reinforced concrete. The dock arrived at the coastline of the Olympic National Park in Washington,
State. It reached shore in December, 2012! The dock, as pictured below, is being dealt with so that
it does not contaminate the shore line and is removed quickly and safely. The cost of this removal is estimated at $628,000.00 US Dollars. This dock was one of four similar docks that were lost to the tsunami at the Misawa coast line.
L-R – Consul General Shigeeda – Consul General of Japan at Honolulu; Harold Pereverseff – President Lethbridge Twinning Society.
The concerted efforts to track, control and deal with the tsunami debris involves several worldwide departments and agencies. The pivotal efforts are under the jurisdiction of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) – Ms. Carey Morishige was at the panel discussion and she explained the collaborative efforts in place, it was stressed that the tsunami debris is NOT radio-active
as it was released from Japan prior to the Fukishima nuclear emergency.
Mr. Gary Gill the Deputy Director, Environmental Health Administration, Hawaii State Department of Health said that 40 years ago, he was walking the beaches of Hawaii and he found a Japanese fishing net "glass globe" ball that has washed ashore. He said at that time, items such as this were considered "treasures" and not debris…… he said he took his find home, polished it up and it rested for many years in their family recreation room as a prized ornament!
Commander Martin Smith of the 14th District US Coast Guard spoke to the panel of the readiness of the US Coast Guard to deal with impending tsunami debris, and he explained what efforts have been deployed to this point in time.
From Canada, I was aware of items of debris that have also washed up on our Canadian shores.
The container that brought a motorcycle across the Pacific Ocean; a soccer ball that was eventually returned to the young man in Japan etc.
Consul General of Japan, Honolulu, Mr. Toyoei Shigeeda explained to the panel that he had recently arrived in Honolulu from his previous posting in Frankfurt, Germany! He arrived in July 2012. He said that he arrived at a time when the Tsunami debris was just beginning to arrive on the shores of North America and in the Hawaiian Islands. It is certain that the eventuality of debris washing up on Hawaiian shores will be a concern to him and his office in Honolulu as well as to the Japanese Government.
The sessions were very informative and to learn of the proactive measures in place to deal with the tsunami debris was an eye opener. It was also interesting to learn that contingencies are being formulated now, to deal with future events. Everyone is of the understanding that the March 11, 2011 earth quake/tsunami will not be the last and they must, unfortunately, be prepared for the next episode!
Further information on the panel sessions and information on the Japan Tsunami Marine Debris may be found at:
- Welcome dinner for Risa Kumasaka at New Dynasty Restaurant
February 09, 2013
On February 09, 2013 some members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society gathered at the New Dynasty Restaurant to welcome Risa Kumasaka to Lethbridge for her English Cultural Experience.
A wonderful "Chinese Food" dinner was enjoyed and we were pleased to hear Risa's introduction speech which she delivered to us in English!
Risa said she really enjoyed the Chinese food and it was interesting to learn that she actually does not lke" Japanese Sushi" that much, but preferes some western type foods, like
McDonald's hamburgers and french fries! (Wait until she tastes "Alberta Beef)!
L-R - Carol Kensley – Director of LTS Public Relations,
Risa Kumasaka; Diane Minamide – Director of LTS
Towada City City, Japan relations.
LTS Members assemble to welcome Risa to Lethbridge
Risa, Charlene and Joseph Palate (Joseph is our design
expert and photographer for the LTS. Joseph is as well
a "Charter Member" of the LTS.
Great food and fun appreciated by all!
Risa presents her introduction speech to LTS members
Welcome to Lethbridge Risa!
- Welcome Risa Kumasaka
February 05, 2013
The members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society welcome Risa Kumasaka
to Lethbridge as she begins her "English Cultural and Language" studies!
You may follow Risa and her "Canadian experiences" on her Blog: Risa Canada 2013
- Come and Sit a Spell!
January 26, 2013
On January 26th, 2013 our "Park Bench" project was fully completed. Now, you can visit the Chinook Park (Scenic Drive & Mayor Magrath Drive), see the Lethbridge Twinning Society "Ceremonial Tree" and even
"Sit a spell" on our newly installed park bench!
The bench is keenly positioned so as when sitting, you face the ceremonial tree.
Thank you to the Lethbridge City Parks Department and the city employees who assisted us in fulfilling this project that extends a meaningful and lasting impression in our community.
- Meeting with Consul General of Japan (Los Angeles, California), Jun Niimi
January 12, 2013
On January 12, 2013 at the Culver City Sister Cities 50th Year Anniversary, Lethbridge Twinning Society President, Harold Pereverseff had the opportunity of meeting and discussing Japan twinning relations with Consul General of Japan (Los Angeles, California), Jun Niimi. Culver City, California has a sister city relationship with Kiazuka, Japan.
Similar activities and programs exist between the sister cities in the United States and Japan as they do in Canada.
It was noted that relationship of the Lethbridge Twinning Society and the Towada City Association for International Relations, Japan, are substantially more advanced and operated by the respective communities rather than strictly being an entity of the Government. There were pro's and con's to such relationships, the definite con being funding through an established budget line item. Consul General Niimi is a firm believer in international twinning relationships, and his address at the reception was a clear indication of his support and enthusiasm for the sister city relationships.
(L) Consul General Jun Niimi (Los Angeles), (R) Harold Pereverseff
- Culver City Sister City Committee's 50th year anniversary
January 12, 2013
The 50th year anniversary celebration of the Culver City Sister City Committee was celebrated on January 12, 2013.
The members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society were very honored to be invited to join in the celebration.
Four of our members attended in Culver City for the celebration, Dick Reimer, Michael Bennett, Terri DeMerchant and Harold Pereverseff.
His Worship, Mayor Rajko Dodic also joined the Lethbridge delegation.
We were kept very much involved during our visit to Culver City. We arrived on January 9th and were hosted in the homes of Culver City
Sister City Committee members. Truly a memorable and enjoyable experience. We returned back to Lethbridge on January 16th.
The "three amigos" arrive in Los Angeles Airport and await pick up by Culver City hosts (Harold, Michael, Terri)
His Worship Mayor Rajko Dodic has discussion with Bill Boerum (Sister City International Board Representative) and Nadia Scipio del Campo (Government of Canada - Consul from the Consulate General of Canada, Los Angeles)
Dedication of a "Sister Cities Directional Sign Post" in front of Culver City Hall.
Culver City Sister City Committee - Chairperson, Marla Wolkowitz at plaque unveiling in front of the "Sister Cities Directional Sign Post"
The dedicated commemorative plaque
His Worship, Mayor Dodic and Ms. Sick. Sick is a Culver City resident, however her husband's family at the Sick's from our Lethbridge Community (Fritz Sick..etc.)
Michael Bennett, His Worship, Mayor Rajko Dodic, Terri DeMerchant, and Consul Nadia Scipio del Campo (Consulate General of Canada - Los Angeles) in front of the "Sister Cities Directional Sign Post".
Terri DeMerchant (Lethbridge Twinning Society) and Consul Nadia Scipio del Campo (Consulate General of Canada - Los Angeles)
Alberta/Canadian "gift package" prepared for a silent auction at the anniversary event.
Diane Paris from the Culver City Sister City Committee wears a western hat as she serves up "Lethbridge Chile" to the general public at the "Lethbridge Room" in the Culver City Vet's Hall.
C.Maria del los Angeles Galindo Ayala a delegate from the Culver City, Sister City of Uruapan, Mexico is very happy as she fashions a Canadian Top Hat at the Lethbridge Room in the Culver City Vet's Hall.
Gary Silbiger (center) of the Culver City Sister City Committee host visitors in the Lethbridge Room at the Vet's Hall.
Maureen Genteman (Left) and Natalie Shaby (Right) serve up "Canada Dry - Ginger Ale" at in the Lethbridge Room at the Vet's Hall.
David Shaby, busy at the "Hockey Night in Canada" section of the Lethbridge Room at the Vet's Hall.
Information table for guests at the Lethbridge Room at the Vet's Hall
Sonia Karroum (Culver City Sister City Committee Board Member) in the Iksan City, South Korea Room at the Vet's Hall.
Sharlene London (Culver City Sister City Committee Board Member ) in the Kaizuka, Japan Room at the Vet's Hall.
Donna Thayer (Culver City Sister City Committee Board Member) in the Iksan City, South Korea Room at the Vet's Hall.
Three dedicated Culver City Sister City Committee Board Members, Marla, Natalie and Sonia.
His Worship, Mayor Rajko Dodic and Hon. Andrew Weissman, Mayor of Culver City.
L-R - Terri DeMerchant (LTS), Harold Pereverseff (LTS), Bill Boerum (Sister Cities International), His Worship, Mayor Rajko Dodic (Lethbridge) Hon. Mayor Andrew Weissman (Culver City), Michael Bennett (LTS)
Michael Bennett and David Shaby
Michael Bennett, His Worship, Mayor Rajko Dodic and Harold Pereverseff
Harold Pereverseff and Michael Wolkowitz
Terri DeMerchant ..... Dinner time decisions!
His Worship, Mayor Rajko Dodic
Harold Pereverseff and Sharlene London
Michael Bennett, Terri DeMerchant and Donna Thayer (4:45AM!!!! Being dropped off at LAX)
Serious day at wine tasting in Malibu
Harold Pereverseff rising to a "Georgian Toast" at wine tasting picnic in Malibu
- A grant from Christian Labour Association of Canada
January 09, 2013
On January 9th 2013, the Lethbridge Twinning Society was presented a grant in the amount of $1,500.00. Carol Kensley is shown in the photo making the presentation on behalf of the Christian Labour Association of Canada (CLAC). Carol is a member of the CLAC Union and had applied for the grant on behalf of the Lethbridge Twinning Society.
CLAC cited the Lethbridge Twinning Society for our impressive role in the community particularly in the area of international relations and felt that the grant in the amount of $1,500.00 was very fitting.
We are very thankful for the grant and we wish thank Mike Montague (Southern Alberta Representative of CLAC) and the CLAC Union. Rest assured that we will be very diligent in the appropriation of the grant funding that will be used towards the betterment of our Society.
Picture: L-R – Michael Bennett (Director of Lethbridge Twinning Society- Culver City Relations) Harold Pereverseff (President of Lethbridge Twinning Society) Terri DeMerchant (Member of Lethbridge Twinning Society) Carol Kensley (Director of Lethbridge Twinning Society – Public Relations)
- Hot Dog – Fund Raiser – Bar B Que
June 29, 10:00AM to 4:00PM, Save On Foods – Northside location
Please help with the Bar B Que Fundraiser at Save On Foods – North Side.
You can help by volunteering to cook, serve or act as cashier any time
during the Bar B Que - Please call: 403-381-0038 to let us know when
you would like to come and help out...
You can also help by dropping by and enjoying one of our delicious hot dogs fresh off the grill! This year we are introducing the "Japadog"...
Not your ordinary hot dog, this is a hot dog with a "Japanese" twist... Ever try a hot dog with Japanese mayonnaise, seaweed and teriyaki sauce?
Come out, have fun, and support your Lethbridge Twinning Society!
- Sister Cities InternationalAnnual Conference
12 - 13 July, 2013 – San Antonio, Texas
Come join us at the SCI Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas.
Registration is available online at: http://www.sister-cities.org/annual-conference
- Vitalize 2013: Recharge your Power
13 June, 2013 - SHAW Conference Centre, Edmonton
June 13 – 15, 2013 we will be participating in this year's Vitalize Conference (on behalf of Alberta Culture).
Vitalize 2013 marks 25 years of go-to training and skills development for the nonprofit/voluntary sector in Alberta.
With this milestone comes a new look and feel, a new logo representing diverse organizations and groups converging in one place.
For information on registration please see: www.buksa.com
- Japan-Alberta Relations: Past and Present – Towards New Perspectives
April 22, 2013
The Lethbridge Twinning Society is pleased to host Mr. Susumu Fukuda, Consul General of Japan in Calgary, at the Lethbridge Public Library, (Downstairs Theater Gallery) from 7:00PM – 9:00PM - May 13th 2013.
Consul General Fukuda will present a key lecture entitled: "Japan-Alberta Relations: Past and Present – Towards New Perspectives".
Mr. Susumu Fukuda, Consul General of Japan at Calgary
This insightful lecture from an authority on Canada-Japan relations will also offer an opportunity of hearing from a panel of local individuals. The panel will focus on educational, cultural, social and economic issues relating to Japan.
Consul General Fukuda, who has previously been posted in several regions of Latin America, arrived in Canada in June 2011 to begin his tenure at the Japanese Consulate at Calgary. As a diplomat representing Japan, Mr. Fukuda has made several visits to Lethbridge and area and has participated in celebrating the Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden's 45th anniversary. In October of last year, Reeve, Lorne Hickey was host to Mr. Fukuda, showing him on a tour of Southern Alberta.
The lecture is free and open to all. Light refreshments will be served.
For further information, please contact:
Carol Kensley – Director of Public Relations
Lethbridge Twinning Society – 403-381-3575
e-mail: carolkats337@hotmail.com
- Youth Ambassadors - 2012 for the 2013 Volunteer of Excellence Awards Nomination
March 01, 2013
The Lethbridge Twinning Twinning Society has nominated the three "Youth Ambassadors" from 2012 for the 2013 Volunteer of Excellence Awards (Volunteer Lethbridge) . The three nominees upon their return from the Youth Ambassador program last summer, prepared a proposal for a "community service project". They then independently planned, fashioned and implemented a project with a very realistic goal of collecting warm winter clothing for those less fortunate. They called their project,
"Clothes for a Cause – Winter Edition". Although their goal was for 50 sets of clothing, they exceeded their goal by almost three times! The girls as well contribute selfless hours and energy to various community organizations ranging from, Big Bothers and Sisters, Air Cadets, Church groups, Student Council involvement and even on youth advisory boards! We are very honored and proud to have these young ladies and their families as members of the Lethbridge Twinnng Society. We are hoping the best for your nominations for the Youth Volunteer Excellence Awards!
- Pilot Project to Begin – English as Second Language and Canadian Cultural Experience
February 04th to March 18th – 2013
The Lethbridge Twinning Society in conjunction with the Towada City-Association for International Relations is very pleased to introduce a "Pilot – Project" that we believe will become a mainstay and a model to other English as a Second Language seekers.
On February 04, 2013, Ms. Risa Kumarisa will be arriving in Lethbridge. She will be greeted by members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society (LTS)and will be provided homestay facilities that have been arranged by the LTS. She will be accepted at Flexible Learning Systems (FLS) where she will enter into a customized "English as a second language" (ESL) program. The Manager at FLS is a long time LTS member and has assisted in several ESL programs for us in the past. The outcomes have all been stellar.
We welcome Risa!
- "Right to Play" Opportunity of a life time for LTS Member!
January 05, 2013
Lori Harasem lives in Coalhurst, Alberta with her husband, three children and pets. Lori is heavily involved in our community as a volunteer. Lori became a member of the Lethbridge Twinning Society last year. Lori has always dreamed of going to Africa and as a supporter of the values of Right To Play, she says that she "couldn't pick a better organization to share this experience with."
Lori will be joining a group heading to Africa in February as part of a campaign with Right To Play, a non-profit organization that uses sport and play to empower children in disadvantaged areas of the world.
Lori is the City of Lethbridge's recreation and culture development manager, and a new member of the Lethbridge Twinning Society. Lori will join a group which will include some of Right To Play's athlete ambassadors such as Olympian Clara Hughes. They will visit Liberia for a week around Feb. 25. Liberia, officially called the Republic of Liberia, is bordered by Sierra Leone to the west, Guinea on the north and C™te d'Ivoire to its east.
It is home to about 3.7 million people and is known for its high poverty level.
Lori represents the caliber of individuals involved in the Lethbridge Twinning Society as members and her upcoming visit to Liberia is the very essence of what the Society is about and strives to achieve…….our members reaching out and making a difference in the world we live.
Lori's comment: "Here in the city there's lots of organizations very involved in trying to get children more active through play. I do a lot of work with those organizations in my job, so it is kind of a neat tie-in. We're always interested in trying to move forward in ensuring accessibility."
All the very best Lori! We look forward to hearing of your experiences when you return.