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Lethbridge Twinning Society

Our greatest events in 2018
  1. Visit to the City of Great Falls, Montana
  2. November 14, 2018

    Members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society visited our Sister City, Great Falls, Montana, on Wednesday, November 14th.

    Five leaders from Belarus (a nation in Eastern Europe with a population of 9.5 million) were in Great Falls, Montana to examine alternative energy, renewable energy and energy security in Montana. They made a public presentation at 1:00PM at the Great Falls, College MSU in Room B101. This event was being hosted by the City of Great Falls, Advisory Commission on International Relations who had graciously extended an invitation to us to participate.

  3. Free Taiko Drumming Workshop
  4. September 30, 2018

    Sunday, September 30, 2018 at 2 – 4 pm Hibikya held the Free Taiko Drumming Workshop in Theatre Gallery of Downtown Lethbridge Public Library (lower level).


  5. More students from Towada City are coming to Lethbridge this fall
  6. September, 2018

    The Lethbridge Twinning Society and the Towada - Association for International Relations has an ongoing "bridge of friendship" through our "Sister City" partnership. We have hosted several students from Towada City who have come to Lethbridge to participate in "English as Second Language" training. This fall, we look forward to another group of students and we wish to commend Dr. Arao Teiichi for his excellent Directorship in being the Director for Lethbridge Relations along with our Director for Towada City Relations, Carol Pickett.

  7. Visit to Saint-Laurent, Quebec
  8. August 23, 2018

    (L-R) LTS President Harold, wife Cheryl and Alan DeSousa, Montreal City Councillor/Mayor of Saint-Laurent.

    On August 23, 2018 – LTS President Harold and wife Cheryl visited Saint-Laurent. Saint-Laurent was "twinned" with the City of Lethbridge in 1967. An inspiration of then, Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau to link Francophone cities with cities in Western Canada in an effort to promote cultural understanding and friendships. Since that time, a lot has changed, "Ville Saint-Laurent", once predominately French Canadian in populous, is now a mosaic of multinationals with French and English now the minority ethnicity. "Ville Saint-Laurent" is no longer a city unto its own, rather a borough of Montreal. In 1967, it was known as "Ville Saint-Laurent" however on January 01, 2002 it was incorporated into the City of Montreal. None the less, the "twin city" relationship with the City of Lethbridge continues even though all the other city to city twinning relations established in 1967 have ended. Annually, the City of Lethbridge funds a line item budget of approximately $27,0000.00 to support the twin city relationship with Saint-Laurent.

    The Lethbridge Twinning Society has, on a number of occasions, hosted and participated in activities with delegations from Saint-Laurent. Friendship relations between Mayor DeSousa and LTS President Pereverseff goes back a long way. This was Pereverseff's first visit to Saint Laurent, (which by the way, was not expensed by the City of Lethbridge or the Lethbridge Twinning Society) Mayor DeSousa outlined several points of interest and "to do/must see" attractions in the lovely community of Saint-Laurent. The Quaint restaurants were a pleasure, and the exquisite "desserts" were unforgettable. Thank you Mayor DeSousa!

    Administration Building, Saint-Laurent

    This is a small annex off of a subway station, named in memory of the late, Saint-Laurent City Councillor Mr. Rodolphe Rousseau, who had visited Lethbridge along with Saint-Laurent delegations on several occasions. (This annex is the site where the "Coyote" public art donation from the City of Lethbridge is planned to be erected.)

    Place Rodolphe Rousseau

    Dessert at "Dolci Piu" patisserie, down town Saint-Laurent

    Touring Saint-Laurent

  9. "Hot dog Bar-B-Que" Fund raiser, Lethbridge, Alberta
  10. July 28, 2018

    On July 28th the Lethbridge Twinning Society hosted a fund raiser "hot dog Bar B Que" at Save on Foods (West). Thank you to the members who came out to help and to those who simply came out to enjoy a hot dog. We had specific hot dogs characterised by our respective sister cities. In the end, the "Great Falls – Chili and Wild West Bar B Que Sauce" was the over all favorite among those who purchased their dogs!

    It was a lot of fun, and we raised a fair amount of money towards our Society.

  11. Makoto Sakurada performance at Carnegie Hall in New York, United States of America
  12. July 11, 2018

    On July 11th, Makoto Sakurada performed at Carnegie Hall in New York, New York, United States of America. It was a huge honour and privilege for Makoto who is resident of our Sister City in Japan, Towada City. On behalf of the Lethbridge Twinning Society, Congratulations Makoto, We are so proud of you!

    Makoto was the guest of the Lethbridge Twinning Society on two occasions, once in 2007 and again in 2012 when Makoto performed in his "Thank You Alberta" tour visiting thirteen communities throughout Alberta. On his trip to New York he was accompanied by his lovey wife.

  13. Photoshoot session with the "English as a Second Language" Japanese students
  14. July 7, 2018

    On Saturday, July 7, 2018 – Lethbridge Twinning Society member, Joseph Palate and his wife Charlene hosted three Japanese "homestay" students who are attending the University of Lethbridge for a three month "English as a Second Language" session.

    Joseph is the graphic artist and photographer for the Lethbridge Twinning Society and has been since 1989. (Joseph is a Charter Member of the Society). Joseph took two hours of photos in a photo-shoot afternoon with the Japanese students. He had arranged to have this photo-shoot so that the students would have a nice selection of images of themselves as a remembrance of their visit to Lethbridge. The session took place in the lovely, Henderson Lake Park.

    Charlene and Joseph stand behind the three Japanese students (Mauri, Haruna and Hanomi)

    Here are a sample of the hundreds of images taken during the photo shoot:

  15. President of the United States of America, Mr. Donald Trump visit to Great Falls, Montana
  16. July 5, 2018

    July 05, 2018 the President of the United States of America, Mr. Donald Trump, visited our Sister City, Great Falls, Montana. Most of the excitement and activities were hosted at the Four Seasons Center. As noted in the photographs of his visit, there was an excellent rally turnout and a great patriotic spirit. Considering that Great Falls, Montana has a population less than Lethbridge (approximately 75,000) it was a great honour to that community to have a visit from their President. We congratulate the City of Great Falls on this huge event.

    President of the United States of America, Mr. Donald Trump addressing a crowed rally
    Great Falls, Montana on July 05, 2018

  17. International Students, University of Lethbridge
  18. June 23 & 24, 2018

    The Lethbridge Twinning Society (LTS) collaborates with the University of Lethbridge (UofL) in their "International Students" programs. LTS members provide homestay accommodations for students in many instances. Currently there are three students at the UofL from Nagoya, Japan.

    On June 23 & 24, LTS President Harold Pereverseff and wife, Cheryl provided a fun get a way for the three students to our Sister City, Great Falls, Montana. This was a fun packed weekend trip and the "experience" began at the US Border at Sweetgrass, Montana. The girls were all documented and purchased visas to enter the United States of America. Once in Great Falls, we were met by members of the City of Great Falls, Advisory Commission on International Relations, (Charity and Lana). We visited the Lewis and Clark Interpretative Center, Giant Springs Park, various waterfalls all this combined with shopping and sightseeing made for a memorable and very enjoyable weekend. Special thank you to Lana and Charity who welcomed us and took the time to great the Japanese students.

    (L-R) Hanomi, Mari and Haruna arrived in Great Falls, Montana.
    Lana Kadasnikoff from the City of Great Falls, Advisory Commission on International Relations, joins us at our hotel for breakfast.
    Charity Jacobson
    Getting ready to enjoy authentic Mexican food!
    Visiting "Rainbow Falls" one of the many waterfalls in Great Falls.
    This is the largest flag the students have ever seen!
    The students get ready to explore Great Falls as seen behind and below them.
    Charity Jacobson from the City of Great Falls Advisory Commission on International Relations came to meet us and to take us to a nearby ranch to see some horses. Unfortunately, it rained so we were unable to get to the horses, however, the students were each presented with souvenir "horse shoes".

  19. Lethbridge Twinning Society welcome Ms. Kaori Umemoto from the Alberta/Japan office in Tokyo, Japan
  20. June 7, 2018

    The Members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society welcome Ms. Kaori Umemoto to Lethbridge! Ms. Umemoto is from the Alberta/Japan office in Tokyo, Japan.

    Ms. Unemoto and staff at the Alberta/Japan office have always been so supportive of our twinning relations with our Sister City, Towada City, Japan. On several occasions, staff from the Alberta/Japan office have accompanied our delegation visits to Towada City and this has been greatly appreciated.

    The Executive of the Lethbridge Twinning Society are working on an exciting schedule and a venue for a reception dinner. We will keep you posted, but for now, please "Save the Date"

  21. Reception in the Official Residence of Japan in Calgary on the occasion of arrival the Consul General of Japan and Mrs. Keiko Kobayashi
  22. May 31, 2018

    On May 31, 2018 – LTS President, Harold Pereverseff and Cheryl Pereverseff along with their Japanese homestay university student, Haruna, were honoured to attend at the Official Residence of the Consul-General of Japan in Calgary. An excellent "welcome reception" in recognition for Mr. Kobayashi and his wife was very well attended by representatives from throughout the province. Deputy Mayor of Lethbridge, Mr. Jeffrey Coffman, delivered a welcome speech. It was a pleasure to meet new members of the Japanese Consulate Office in Calgary and to also reconnect with long term staff (always a pleasure to visit with Jeremiah and Aisha)

    The reception meal was exceptional. The opportunity of enjoying the selection of Japanese Saki and the various teas was a real treat.

    Our sincere gratitude is expressed to Consul-General Kobayashi for the gracious invitation to this special occasion.

    Haruna in front of the Official Residence of the Consul General of Japan in Calgary.
    Together with Consul-General Kobayaski and his wife inside the Official Residence.
  23. International Students from Japan arrived to Lethbridge
  24. May 1, 2018

    Three lovely ladies from Japan have arrived at the airport in Lethbridge on May 01.

    Members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society meet them. The ladies are students from Meijo University and will be attending the University of Lethbridge for the next three months! Wish them well!

    Members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society assist the University of Lethbridge, International Students by providing homestay accommodations for visiting students.

  25. "Cherry Blossoms" (Sakurada)
  26. April, 2018

    We thank Ms. Kaori Umemoto from the Alberta Japan Office in Tokyo, Japan and Dr. Teiichi Arao from our Sister City, Towada City, Japan for sharing the magnificent "Cherry Blossoms" (Sakurada) from Japan!

    How lovely they are and we hope to some day enjoy these blossoms in person.

  27. Visit to the City of Great Falls, Montana
  28. April 21 - 22, 2018

    On April 21st a delegation of 23 residents of Lethbridge travelled to our Sister City, Great Falls Montana. Members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society and Members of "Hibikiya" (Lethbridge's authentic Japanese Taiko group) formed this delegation.

    We were warmly greeted by Charity Jacobson of the City of Great Falls, Advisory Commission on International Relations (ACIR) and members of ACIR on Saturday afternoon at the "Every Day IGA" store where the City of Great Falls winner of the 2017 "Lethbridge Get-A-Way" (Scott Gillespie) works. Hibikiya set up their set in front of the Every Day IGA store and presented a half hour, Taiko Drum performance. Many residents came out to hear the performance. After the performance we all got together for dinner at a wonderful Great Falls local restaurant.

    On Sunday, Hibikiya was welcomed to the stage at the City of Great Falls, Civic Centre by Patty Rearden of the City of Great Falls, Parks and Recreation Department. Hibikiya performed from 12:00PM until 3:30PM only taking shorts breaks in between sets. Participants in the Ice Breaker Road Race we staged in the Civic Centre and enjoyed Hibikiya while they prepared for their race starts.

    There were three races, a 5 mile a 3 mile and 1 mile. Members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society had participants in each of the races. Our Director for Great Falls relations, Brandy Old had an impressive showing in the 5 mile race where she ran the course in well under one hour! The Ice Breaker provides an excellent opportunity of meeting, one on one, with residents of the Great Falls community. This year, the weather was excellent which provided even more opportunity to interact in a casual fashion. With close to 4,000 people in attendance (over 3,200 "officially registered" to run in the races) the 2018 Ice Breaker Road Race was an absolute success.

    The Lethbridge Twinning Society wishes to expressly thank Hibikiya for their support in assisting us in bridging the friendship relations between the Lethbridge and Great Falls community.

    We would also like to extend our sincere appreciation to the Consulate General for Canada in Denver Colorado, and as well to the Best Western, Heritage Inn (Great Falls) for their kind support.

  29. Annual New Year "Pot Luck" reception with students of Consejo Quintanarroense de Ciencia y Tecnologia
  30. January 27, 2018 at 6PM

    The Lethbridge Twinning Society celebrated their annual New Year "Pot Luck" reception on January 27th. We had an excellent turn out of over 70 people along with a very interesting program that included special guests from the Mayan region of Mexico. (Five ladies who are on a one month program at the University of Lethbridge) It was an honour to have greetings extended to our Society by our MP Rachael Harder and by Lethbridge City Councillor (Deputy Mayor), Joe Mauro. We also reached out to Makoto Sakurada in our Sister City, Towada City, Japan and we chatted with him via "Skype".

    It is always exciting to have our Executive members joined together and create a fun filled, family event on behalf of our Society.

    As we had our Mexican guests, we extended a special invitation to friend of our Society, Hector Castaneda and his family. Hector is from Columbia and as such fluent in Spanish. Hector started our dinner off by giving thanks to the Lord for the meal (grace) in English and as well in Spanish! Thank you Hector. Hector and his family also assisted us in presenting gifts to the Mayan students. We wish to thank Jenny Bourne from the University of Lethbridge for her attendance and for encouraging the Mayan students to share their talents in song and dance with us on this special evening.