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Hibikiya Japanese Drummers
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Advisory Commission on International Relationships

All about us: Patriotism * Commitment = Results!
Join us to promote friendship, peace and understanding
among people from different countries in a people to people organization
of goodwill and understanding.
The sister-city movement was begun by the late president Dwight D. Eisenhower
of the United States. There was a need for greater contact between people
with different views and cultures to lower world tension to bring about
a world peace based on mutual understanding, respect and friendship.
This need continues today. Another name for "Sister-City" is "Twin City".
Either term is acceptable and can be used interchangeably.
The Lethbridge Twinning Society is a non-profit grass-roots citizens
organization dedicated to promote friendship and understanding between
Lethbridge and its "Twin Cities". It is not an extension of the City of Lethbridge
administration, but it does receive their endorsement.
Harold Pereverseff
Karl Marten
Computer/technical service
provider |
Angie Markov
Web development and support |
Joseph Palate
Photographer / design artist |
Rolanda Richard
Treasurer |
Brandy Old
Director for Great Falls, Montana Relations |
Carol Pickett
Director for Towada City Relations |
Ludmilla Fedorets
Director of Timashevsk, Russia Relations |
Michael Bennett
Director for Culver City, California Relations |
Special offer
Offer for sale, the lapel pin (please, see the lapel pin on the right).
The cost of the lapel pin is $5.00 CDN (Includes shipping and handling).
For ordering, please, e-mail us.
Major Activities
Some of the major activities of the Lethbridge Twinning Society:
City, California, USA
Hosted a group of 37 members of the Culver City California Sister
City Society in an official twinning ceremony in 1989. The "welcome to
Lethbridge" was a bus "holdup" staged for us by the desperado's of the
Lethbridge Black Powder Gun Club. Mayor Carpenter was able to negotiate
their release by promising the desperado's that the visitors would be treated
to warm Lethbridge hospitality.
Hosted members of the Culver City California Sister City Society again
in 1994 and in 1998 and most recently in 2000 when a delegation came to
Lethbridge to celebrate the grand opening of our new City Hall!
Visits to Culver City by members in 1990, 1996 & 2002.
- In 2005 we will be hosting our friends from Culver City. We have an interesting program planned. We will be spending some time on a guest ranch in the foothills of the fabulous
Rocky Mountains. This visit will be even more special, as we will also be celebrating
the Centennial of Alberta in 2005!
Timashevsk, Russia
Gathered, packed, and raised funds to send 5 tonnes of used clothing and medical supplies to Timashevsk,
Russia, in 1992. Eight members of our society paid their own expenses to accompany this shipment and to
extend a hand of friendship and good will. Timashevsk was selected because during World War II, the
City of Lethbridge assisted in their recovery.
The visit resulted in inviting a young girl with a hearing problem, and her mother, to Lethbridge in 1994
to have the girl examined by several professionals. Our society, with assistance from friends, paid for
the pair's airfare and all expenses during their stay in Alberta. The visit resulted in having the
girl fitted with a hearing aid and given nutritional advice to try and correct the hearing problem.
Today we understand this young lady is attended the University of Krasnodar and is excelling in her
area of study, Law.
Presently we are engaged in a shoe box project in which we will be filling shoe boxes and shipping them
to students at School No. 11 in Timashevsk! We will be shipping the shoe boxes in September so that
they arrive time for New Years. This project is aimed at rewarding students who have been identified
by their Principal, Evgeni Guyduk as been exceptional students who have achieved well above average
in their studies
Towada City, Japan
The newly formed relationship with Towada City City, (2001) has taken off like a rocket ship!
Already a number of delegations have visited both ways! This year, the Lethbridge
Twinning Society will be hosting a delegation from Towada City, Japan in August.
HIS WORSHIP, Mayor Haruo Nakanowatari together with the President of the
Towada City Association for International Relations join a delegation of ten.
In September, 2004 a delegation from Lethbridge will travel to Japan and enjoy the
Annual Fall Festival in Towada City!
Carol, Director to Towada City, Japan and President Harold attend the Alberta Twinned Municipalities
Conference in Hinton, Alberta in 2003. They met with many representatives and had an opportunity
of discussing our twinning relationship with Towada City City with Hon. Halvar Jonson, Minister of
International and Intergovernmental Relations.
Traditonal Japanese Taiko Drumming has "arrived" in Lethbridge. The Lethbridge
Twinning Society has formed a Taiko Drumming Group. The group began actual
practice on June 5th and 6th , 2004 when members of the Kita No Taiko Japanese
Drumming Group came to provide a workshop. An over whelming response from
individuals expressing an interest in learning Taiko drumming has met with the
approval and has confirmed that Lethbridge is ready for and is able to sustain
an active Taiko Drumming Group. Taiko drumming is such a focal point
of the Towada City community, and in 2003 the Lethbridge Twinning Society
Director for Public Relations visited Towada City and participated in an intense workshop
for Taiko drumming and actually performed by drumming in their local festival parade!
Great Falls, Montana, USA
Great falls, Montana is situated 296 kilometers (185 miles) directly south of Lethbridge. Great Falls is the last city in the USA going north on the Can-Mex Highway while Lethbridge is the first city in Canada along this same route. Quite by chance members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society and the Great Falls Advisory Commission on International Relations (ACIR) became acquainted. On April 24, 2004 three members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society traveled to Great Falls and met with the ACIR. There has been continual friendships and exchanges between the two communities that have resulted. This included the city of Lethbridge officially inviting the Mayor of Great Falls to attend the City of Lethbridge "Centennial Celebrations" in 2006 followed by the Lethbridge Twinning Society hosting the Mayor of Great Falls and the City Manager of Great Falls in 2010 for a friendship visit.
- In 2013, when Sister Cities International revised their policy on only having one "Sister City" in a respective country, to that of having a number of "sustainable" Sister Cites, it opened the door for the City of Lethbridge and the City of Great Falls, to enter into a "Sister City Relationship". The City of Great Falls, Advisory Commission on International Relations and the Lethbridge Twinning Society, jointly went before their respective City Councils and promoted the idea of official Sister City relations being established. On August 18, 2014, His Worship Mayor Spearman presented a Resolution to Lethbridge City Council. The Resolution was that the City of Lethbridge establish a "Friendship Relationship with the City of Great Falls". This resolution was unanimously supported and approved by City Council.
Members of ACIR expressed that due to logistics they have had difficulty and minimal
success in communication with their Russian Twin City. We shared the same frustration,
however it appears our contact with Timashevsk, Russia has met with just a little more
positive results. Our two organizations are considering working in tandem towards
a project with our Russian Twin Cities!
You are welcome and encouraged to join the Lethbridge Twinning
Society and become a part of the global people to people movement.
Enjoy the feeling of being part of the global goodwill and understanding
movement. Annual family dues are $25.00 annual single dues are $15.00.
For more information, e-mail us or write to us at this address:
The Lethbridge Twinning Society
82 Riverine Lane West
Lethbridge, Alberta.
T1K 5V6