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Lethbridge Twinning Society

Our greatest events in 2006

  1. Christmas Gala

  2. On December 17th 2006 we had Christmas Gala Party at the New Dynasty Restaurant. Here are some pictures from the event.

  3. The celebration of the birthday of His Majesty, the Emperor of Japan.

  4. On Thursday, December 7, on invitation from the Consul General of Japan, Mr. Soemu Horie, four representatives of the Lethbridge Twinning Society attended the celebration of the birthday of His Majesty, the Emperor of Japan. Carol, Cheryl, Kimberley and Harold attended in Calgary for the prestigious event.

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    Kimberley, Consul General of Japan, Soemu Horie, Carol and Cheryl. The Honourable Norman L. Kwong, Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, Mary Kwong, Mrs. Horie and Kimberly. The Lethbridge Twinning Society Representatives are received by the Consul General of Japan at the opening of the evenings celebration.

    The evening featured a performance by the Calgary Todoroki Taiko and an exquisite dinner reception.

    We were very honored to be invited and to be able to attend.

  5. "Welcome back" party.

  6. On November 13, 2006 Society members met at Harold and Cheryl's home to welcome back those had recently visited Japan. Carol, Jennifer, Bob and Tom each shared their wonderful experiences. Our computer tech Karl helped in connecting our computer to the TV so pictures were shown on at the big screen. We enjoyed a pot luck dinner and a great social evening was had by all.

    Carol shares some of her memories with the group. Bob and Tom get ready to present their pictures.
    Spiderman (Tom) rescues Cheryl! Tom, Spiderman, made a appearance in Japan during a halloween party! The party is going on!

  7. Bingo fund raiser.

  8. October 29, 2006. It takes a fearless group to tackle volunteering at a Bingo game... and we are indeed a fearless group.

    Approximately 8 times a year we call on members to assist in a fund raiser by selling bingo tickets at our local Bingo Hall, Winners Bingo. There is lots of time to socialize and get some exercise as well as you end up on your feet and walking for about 3 hours straight!

    This fundraiser has been our most lucrative, and normally we will earn $300.00 each session... or $2,400.00 per year!

    Special thanks to all who assist us in the bingo fundraisers.

    Maisie is all finished her duties for the evening and enjoys a laugh with a member of the Lethbridge Astronomy Club. Mary is done for the evening, she rests for a while before heading off home. Carol, Cheryl, Karl and Cathleen are ready to hit the floor of the Bingo Hall selling the tickets.

  9. A send off party at Oh-Sh-o"s Japanese Restaurant.

  10. We had a send off party at Oh-Sh-o"s Japanese Restaurant to wish the three delegates going to Japan a fond "bon voyage".

    We enjoyed traditional Japanese foods in a Japanese setting including seating at a low table in a private party room at the restaurant.

    Carol, Jennifer and Tom will leave this weekend for their visit to Rikubetsu, Japan to attend the Alberta - Japan Twin Municipalities Convention. They will also have the opportunity of visiting in Towada City City, Tokyo and Osaka areas.

    We wish them all a very productive and rewarding trip.

  11. Lethbridge Twinning Society held our annual Bar B Que

  12. On August 28, 2006 the Lethbridge Twinning Society held our annual Bar B Que. 42 members enjoyed the beautiful weather, fellowship and exceptional food! We celebrated the year, and gave special recognition to our Board Secretary, Pastor George who had retired from his Pastorship at the Japanese United Church in Lethbridge after dedicating 13 years service there.

    Dan and Harold cook the steaks to perfection... well the chicken, it was a little to well done... Pastor George is enjoying the evening
    Pastor George, our celebrated retiree, talks with Glen who has also recently joined the ranks of the retired! Jennifer presents Pastor George with a gift from the Society
    Pastor George and his wife, Peggy The game of "Urban Crud" was introduced to the members by designer, Tom

  13. Lethbridge Whoop Up Days Parade

  14. On August 22, 2006 the Lethbridge Twinning Society participated in the annual, Lethbridge - Whoop Up Days Parade. This year our participation consisted of a float carrying a number of our "Kaze No Rhythm" Japanese style drumming members. The float was awarded 3 prize for entertainment.

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    We are all here and ready to perform! Pastor George, Doug and Carol, excitement is in the air just prior to the parade start
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    Ben and Jolene get the beat down as they practice before "Show Time" In fine style, Kaze No Rhythm played the entire parade route, presenting for one and a half hours!

  15. Japanese festival "Bon Odori".

  16. Click to enlarge

    On August 19, 2006 at Annual Japanese festival "Bon Odori" Jennifer presented traditional Japanese lanterns to Rev. Izumi in Lethbridge. The lanterns were a gift from the city of Towada City City, Japan and T-AIR (Towada City Association for International Relations) The 40 lanterns were presented in time for the annual Japanese Festival where the lanterns hung proudly on display for the residents of Lethbridge to see (assisting with the presentation Kyle, Harold, and Carol).

    Here are also some pictures from Kaze No Rhythm performance at the annual Japanese festival "Bon Odori" which took place at the Galt Gardens.

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    Kaze No Rhythm performs at the annual Japanese festival "Bon Odori" on August 19, 2006 at the Galt Gardens. The recently donated Japanese lanterns adorn the festival while Kaze No Rhythm plays to the audience.

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    Harold and Betty at the formal Gala event
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    Sonia and Harold in front of the US Capital, Washington, D.C.

  17. 50th Anniversary Conference of Sister Cities International.

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    Betty, Harold and Natalie in front of the US Capital, Washington, D.C.
    On July 13 to 15, 2006 Harold and Betty participated in the 50th Anniversary Conference of Sister Cities International held in Washington, D.C. (Betty and Harold were two of only three delegates from Canada at the conference) The conference themed: "The National Summit on Citizen Diplomacy". With over 1,200 delegates representing 49 countries of the world, it was very much an "international experience".

    Various sessions and activities were held during the conference. The opportunity of attending at Congress and actually lobbying a representative was a unique experience for both Betty and Harold. The security and formality of visiting the US National Congress goes beyond what words can describe. It was truly an experience of a lifetime.

    It was unique that we were able to meet up with our friends from Culver City as well as Great Falls at the conference and to participate in sessions, meals and the excitement together.

    Next years conference is being held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. For more information and a whole lot of pictures of the Washington, D.C. Conference please see the Sister Cities web pages at: 50th Anniversary Conference site

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    Conference Banner Security around the US Congress....."You ain't goin nowhere you aint s'posed to go mister ya hear?
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    Harold had the extraordinary opportunity of being invited to the Russian Embassy in Washington, D.C. this was a gala evening event hosted by the Georgiy Borisenko Counselor of the Embassy of the Russian Federation
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    Meeting delegates from all over the world.....wow....what an privilege!
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    Conference highlights

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  19. July 8, 2006

  20. This July, Glen retired from a full career with Fortis Alberta. Glen already looks pretty set relaxing in his beautiful back yard. The Twinning Society recognized Glen with a inscribed silver mug. Wife Johan and their two daughters, Robin and Kathy presented a wonderful Bar-B-Que while friends helped Glen celebrate the occasion. All the best in retirement Glen!

  21. Bar B Que Fund Raiser.

  22. Click to Enlarge image On June 17, 2006 members were there to serve at our Bar B Que Fund Raiser at Save On Foods. A number of members took shifts to pass out the dogs and pop! Thanks to all who helped out for this one!

  23. Annual Conference of the Alberta/Japan Twinned Municipalities Association.

  24. The 2006 year's conference was held June 9 and 10, 2006 in Lacombe, Alberta.

    On June 9th and 10th 2006 six of our members attended. Glen, Johan, Carol, Jennifer, Harold and Cheryl took in all the activities including a novel tour of the Town of Lacombe. A stop at the Centennial Rose Garden, and the town museum were highlights of the well planned bus tour organized by the conference committee.

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    2006 AB/Japan Twinned Municipalities conference
    Lethbridge Delegation with guests Lt. Governor General Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kwong.
    This picture is of all the conference delegates who attended from many communities in Alberta. (His Worship, Mayor Bob Tarleck, making a special effort having just returned from Montreal, was able to attend.)

    Next year's conference........... LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA!

  25. City of Lethbridge Centennial Celebration!

  26. The excitement had been mounting for months, finally on Friday, May 5th, 2006 it began, the start of the City of Lethbridge Centennial celebrations! The Lethbridge Twinning Society had been invited to participate in the festivities and to assist with limited hosting and general volunteering during the scheduled events beginning May 5th to May 10th. Carol Kensley, Director for Towada City City, Japan, Hironaka, Director for Culver City, California and Harold Pereverseff, President formed the representation from the Society.

    The City of Lethbridge invited mayors and delegates from Saint Laurent, Quebec; Anyang, China; Towada City City, Japan; Culver City, California; Great Falls, Montana; Timashevsk, Russia; Haebaru, Japan; and as well an invitation went out to the Consul General for Japan, from Calgary. Due to various circumstances some could not accept the invitation. The Mayor's of Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Anyang, China, Great Falls, Montana and Haebaru, Japan attended with their representatives. The Consul General for Japan, from Calgary as well attended.

    The program and events scheduled by the steering committee were fantastic. Overall, the weather could have co-operated a little better, however it was what it was. Some of the highlights included:

    1- Welcome reception at Lethbridge Lodge, afternoon of May 5th.

    2- Black Tie formal reception and grand re-opening of the newly expanded Galt Museum, evening of May 5th.

    3- Public Opening ceremonies of the Galt Museum, open air, morning of May 6th.

    4- Participation in Black Powder Musket shooting. An amazing experience! Afternoon of May 6th.

    5- Dinner reception at Coco Pazzo Restaurant a tasty treat of Italian cuisine, evening of May 6th.

    6- Reception late evening of May 6th at City Hall. Catering by Sven Erickson's.

    7- Breakfast buffet at the Lethbridge Lodge the morning of May 7th.

    8- Picnic and fun at Galt Gardens afternoon of May 7th

    9- Dinner at the spectacular "Georgio's Restaurant" gourmet food served with class and accompanied by live artist entertainment. May 7th evening.

    10- Breakfast at the Lethbridge Lodge, morning of May 8th. Lethbridge Transit picked up delegation at 09:00AM to begin a day as hosted by the Lethbridge Twinning Society. First stop was the University of Lethbridge where, Chancellor (and member of the Lethbridge Twinning Society) Shirley Debow conducted a tour of the facility.

    11- Next stop was at the Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden. Bob Hironaka conducted the tour, however mother nature was even more prevalent at the garden than usual. Heavy rain, snow, hails and just about everything else began falling from the sky. Putting a damper on the tour, the guests were whisked back to the bus and headed to Bob Hironaka's home where buffalo burgers were being bar-b-qued to perfection. Peggy, Carol, Cheryl and of our chef, Alexander served the guests with our typical gracious hospitality and tasty food. Media from television and the Lethbridge Herald attended and conducted interviews. The reports were broadcast on two television stations and an excellent story was published in the Tuesday edition of the Lethbridge Herald.

    12- A bus tour around the city followed the lunch, by this time the rain had ceased.

    13- We attended the Regent Restaurant for our dinner meal. This was no ordinary meal, hosted by the Chinese Society we enjoyed a most delicious 10 course traditional Chinese dinner. After dinner, the guests were invited to the home of Harold and Cheryl where dessert was served.

    14- Tuesday morning began with a VIP reception in the Saint-Laurent Room at City Hall at 10:00AM. Following this we went down stairs to the City Hall Atrium where the official birthday celebration took place. A number of centenarian residents of Lethbridge were in attendance and each were graciously presented a key to the city. A very special announcement was made regarding the retirement of a long time debt of the cities, and a special presentation was made to former Mayor David Carpenter. Speeches and entertainment by a 60 member children choir from Haebaru, Japan and a choir of youth from Lethbridge also entertained and impressed the audience with their singing skills. A grand finale ended the celebration, this being a Native Hoop Dance.

    15- A formal "High Tea" event was next, this was held at the Lethbridge Lodge. A fashion show was the highlight of the ceremony. The fashion show depicted fashions throughout the century. It was fun filled and the models entertained the crowd with their various depictions of era's gone by.

    16- The farewell dinner was served at the Lethbridge Community College. WOW! What an experience. The menu consisted of delicacies as only the master chefs at the college could prepare. The main course, Bison! Dessert"...... Grand Marnier Volcano! Kaze No Rhythm performed, this being the first time that the Consul General of Japan had heard "Canadian Taiko" and he congratulated them for their performance.

    17- A buffet breakfast at the Lethbridge Lodge on Wednesday morning and the guests were on their way home.

    One of the most memorable comments we heard was from Mayor Dona Stebbins of Great Falls, she stated that she had not been to Lethbridge for over 20 years prior to this invitation from Mayor Bob. She said now that she has visited, she is looking forward to coming back again real soon!

    Thank you members for participating in the centennial celebration! We were pleased to see, Johan, Marisa, Pastor George, Peggy, Alexander, Tom, Cathleen, Rick, Ruth, Lesley, Rita, Anges, Maisie, Shirley and Mary. We may have missed seeing other members as well.

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    L to R: Bob Hironaka (Director, Culver City Relations), Mayor Alan De Sousa (Saint Laurent, Quebec), Alderman Joanne Weadick, Mayor Dona Steibbins, (Great Falls, Montana), Mayor Dong Yongan (Anyang, China), Harold Pereverseff (President) Lethbridge Twinning Society host committee: Bob, Lesley, Carol, Harold and Cheryl
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    Sitting: Mayor Alan DeSousa and Councillor Michele Biron (both of Saint Laurent, Quebec)
    Standing: L-R Carol Kensley, Mayor Dona Stebbins, Bob Hironaka, Gilles Biron, Grant Stebbins, Cheryl Pereverseff, Councillor Maurice Cohen and his wife Raymonde Cohen at the University of Lethbridge
    In a social gathering at the home of Harold and Cheryl's Alderman Tom Wickersham shares a moment with Saint Laurent Mayor, Alan DeSousa while Harold, Marisa and Raymonde enjoy the evening with laughter
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    The Saint Laurent Delegation joins in fun at the Lethbridge Black Powder Club, Muskets were loaded and fired.....and we all came home alive! Here a Musket Master convinces some of the members of the Saint Laurent Delegation to try shooting a black powder musket.
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    OK....so now I just have to hit the target? Formal dinner reception at Georgio's Restaurant.
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    Formal dinner reception at Georgio's Restaurant. Harold with Mayor of Anyang China, Dong Yongan and his delegation at the gate of the Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden.
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    Bob commences tour of the Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden with delegates from Great Falls, Saint Laurent, and Anyang. VIP's join in for group picture with members of Kaze No Rhythm at the LCC farewell Dinner.
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    Twinning Society Members enjoying dirnner reception together with Song Dong Sbeng Secretary General from Anyang City, China. L-R - Taka Kinjo of the Okinawa Cultural Society (Lethbridge) Mrs. Masako Horie, Carol Kensley and Consul General of Japan, Soemu Horie.
    Kaze No Rythum played at the Mayor's Farewell Reception Kaze No Rythum members with Guests Consul General Soemu Horie from Calgary and guest Taka Kinjo from Lethbridge

  27. Citizen's Diplomacy Community Summit

  28. On Wednesday, May 10, 2006 we were invited by Mr. Bob Harris, Chairman of the Advisory Commission on International Relationships to Great Falls, Montana to attend a "Citizen's Diplomacy Community Summit". Carol, Cheryl and Harold made the trip down to Great Falls and participated in the summit.

    The venue was the Missouri Room at the City of Great Falls, Civic Center.

    Click to enlarge We were treated to an informative and provocative evening as four key note speakers addressed the assembly.

    The theme was based on how we as local residents fit in with and adapt to the changing cultures around us and how we can learn to appreciate the diversity of the various ethnics. We had the opportunity of breaking off into discussion groups for an exercise on cross-cultural scenarios. We also had the chance to participate in asking the panel of key note speaker's questions.

    The summit was an eye opener....,.. the caliber of knowledge of the key note speakers second to none. This type of a forum might also be a very interesting consideration for us as a society to present to our community in the future.

  29. Ice breakers

  30. On Sunday, April 23, three members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society ventured off to Great Falls, Montana on invitation of Bob Harris, the Chairman on the Great Falls Advisory Commission on International Relationships. Our mission was to participate in the 27 annual Ice Breaker Road Race! We three, Warren Cowan, Harold Pereverseff and Tom Crowell not only ran, but we finished our respective races in a pretty respectful time we might add! Harold ran the 3 mile race while the pros, Tom and Warren mastered the 5 mile race. Not only did we enjoy the race, we spent an enjoyable afternoon with Bob Harris.

    Harold ran the 3 mile race in a time under 40 minutes...... not bad, but looking at the other finishers of the race a lady who was about to turn 80 years old was the heals of Harold as they crossed the finish line!

    Tom ran the 5 mile in a very respectable 37:03 minutes....9th out of 27 in his age division and was still able to walk upright the next day. Rounding off his experience was the winning of the top door prize: an mp3 player. Not having trained for the event, Tom thinks with some training he could finish in the top three of his division next year.

    Warren also ran the 5 mile race, 48:50 both Tom and Warren running a mile average in under 10 minutes!.....Harold well, a 13 minute mile average..... We met lots of people during the race which had approximately 3,000.00 participants! Alll three of us want to take part in the 28th annual race next year, we do encourage you to join us! For further information you may check out the web site for the Ice Breaker Road Race: http://www.ci.great-falls.mt.us/people_offices/park_rec/icebreaker/curraceinfo.htm

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