Our greatest events in 2016
- Culver City's Centennial Celebration visit
September 23 to October 02, 2016
On September 23 to October 02, five delegates from the Lethbridge Twinning Society were guests of Culver City Sister City Committee. We attended the Centennial Celebration of the City of Culver City.
It was an awesome visit and a great honour to participate in the festivities. Building upon our Sister City relations that began in 1989 was a privilege. Citizen diplomats do much in bringing our communities together in peace friendship and understanding. Since 1989 there have been several exchange visits between residents of Lethbridge and Culver City. Sports teams, school music groups, youth ambassadors and Municipal elected officials have participated in these exchange visits. Most prominent was our delegation visit to Culver City along with former Mayor Bob Tarleck when he was presented the Key to the City of Culver City!
See more about our 2016 visit at Culver City events page.
- Members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society attended Culver City, City Council
on September 26, 2016 in recognition of Culver City's Centennial.
September 26, 2016
(Photo L-R: Dr. Gary Stauffer (LTS), Vice Mayor – Jeffrey Cooper, Kathy Stauffer (LTS), Council Member –
Meghan Shali-Wells, Culver City Sister City Committee President, Sonia Karroum, Warren Pereverseff (LTS),
Mayor – Jim Clarke, Council Member – Thomas Aujero Small, Cheryl Pereverseff (LTS), Council Member –
Goran Eriksson, Lethbridge Twinning Society President – Harold Pereverseff)
A celebratory plaque from the Lethbridge Twinning Society was presented.
Congratulatory messages were read on behalf of Lethbridge MP Rachael Harder, MLA, Hon. Shannon Phillips and MLA, Maria Fitzpatrick.
It was a great honour to present the messages from our elected officials, who recognize and support our Sister City relations with Culver City, CA established in 1989.
- Visit to Culver City, California
September 24th, 2016
Members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society are welcome to join us in our delegation visit to our Sister City, Culver City, California on September 24th.
Plan your visit and we are as well invited to the Gala on October 1st.
For more details, please see the Culver City Centennial Celebration website.
- Homestay accommodations for international students
August, 2016
The Lethbridge Twinning Society is now in collaboration with the University of
Lethbridge, International Student Services, and our members are assisting in
providing homestay accommodations for international students. Members who
may be interested in these homestay opportunities should contact us at:
hcbmkwaq@telusplanet.net for more details and information.
- English as a Second Language for Japanese communities
August, 2016
The Lethbridge Twinning Society wishes to collaborate with and extend an open invitation to other communities in Alberta which have Japanese "Sister City" relations and would like to offer
opportunities from your Japanese communities to study English as a Second Language (ESL). Two years ago, we attended a workshop/symposium in our Sister City,
Towada City, Japan where we made a presentation respecting opportunities to study English as a Second Language in Lethbridge.
In our delegation were representatives from the University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge College and Flexibility Learning Systems.
Each of these learning institutions offer ESL programs.
The Lethbridge Twinning Society will assist with hosting participants and arranging for reasonable priced "homestay" accommodations.
For more information, please contact: hcbmkwaq@telusplanet.net or call 403-381-0038.
- Visiting Great Falls, Montana
August, 2016
Members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society will be travelling to Great Falls, Montana for an overnight stay. (The date to be determined once the venues are confirmed).
We will be welcomed by our friends of the City of Great Falls, "Advisory Commission on International Relations".
We have a wonderful itinerary planned and we will be visiting many of the sites and attractions in Great Falls.
This will be a wonderful opportunity of extending the hands of friendship across our border.
An invitation is extended to those wishing more information on the Lethbridge Twinning Society to contact us by email:
hcbmkwaq@telusplanet.net or by calling: 403-381-0038.
- Gakushuin Women's College students arrived from Tokyo, Japan
August 14, 2016
Students from Tokyo Japan's, Gakushuin Women's College arrive in Lethbridge on August 14th.
Members of the Lethbridge Twinning Society have collaborated with the University of Lethbridge "International Student Services" in providing homestay accommodations for students.
The students from Japan (and students to follow from other countries) are studying English as a Second Language (ESL) at the University.
A long trip from Tokyo via Calgary and bus to Lethbridge!
Introduction of the ladies from Gakushuin Women'sCollege.
Ladies from Gakushuin Women's College meet LTS Members and their home stay families.
- Sister Cities International Annual Conference
July 13th - 16th, 2016
Sister Cities International Annual Conference was held in Washington, DC on July 13 to 16 – 2016.
Please see the Conference Official Photos.
- Delegation visit from our Sister City
May 24th to 28th, 2016
On May 24 to 28 a delegation visit from our Sister City, Culver City,
California will be in Lethbridge. As well we are welcoming a delegation
from Great Falls, Montana who will join us on May 24 and 25.
More info: Welcome Culver City and Great Falls Delegations
- Hot Dog Bar-B-que Fund Raiser!
Saturday, May 14th, 2016
Come join us for a fund raiser hot dog bar b que!
May 14 – 10:00 to 4:00
Save on Foods – North Side
Volunteers needed to help help out, as well as volunteers welcome to enjoy the hot dogs.
If you are able to come out and help – please call 403-381-0038 and we can fit you in a spot that suits you.
See you Saturday, May 14th!
- Potluck Dinner
Saturday, January 23rd, 2016 at 6:00pm
Park Bridge Estates – Community Hall
2927 – 29th Street South
Come join us for another great evening of fun, food and fellowship.
Please RSVP – 403-381-0038